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RE: Facebook Bans Bitcoin, ICO Ads

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Zer0hedge...bro absolutely love it. People losing their life savings because they have no common sense. At least Tulips were tangible and real.About 6 years ago I signed up on Facebook being the lemming that I am and following the herd and after a few days this fucking creep I knew in High School got in touch with me and wanted to go out and have a drink to discuss old times and maybe we could bring the wives along?Jesus H. Christ!I dropped that fucking Facebook and never looked back.Proctor & Gamble was not certain it was getting a good return on its $100 million digital ad spend, so one day they stopped.They found no change in their sales. Of course, no one listened. It is still buy, buy, buy! in the digital ad world.I do worry that the P&G article was fake news (from P&G) as I cannot imagine any company, let alone a huge conglomerate, spending $100 million per year without a mechanism to learn the ROI quickly.thank you for sharing with us...