WHAT IS FRIEND: The Friend Unifying Platform is the ultimate digital ecosystem platform, built to thrive in a decentralized form. Having been in development for over three years, it is already operating commercially for customers. Friend provides developers with a powerful open source framework that will allow freedom from technology silos. Friend makes Ethereum, and Blockchain based projects in general, more accessible and developer friendly. Friend servers are interconnected through the Ethereum Blockchain and create the decentralized Friend Network. Here, each server node share resources and create virtual Friend Cloud Computers (like AWS for Blockchain). On top of that, the Friend Store aggregates available services, resources and applications in a web store where users and developers can trade using FRND tokens, fiat or invoice. Friend Cloud Computers are primarily accessed online and can be used as end-user machines, comparable to Chrome OS. The only system requirement is a modern web browser
Friend Network ICO Project: Use cases
Data Analysis John tries to optimize the workflow for his wood production company. He finds a suitable dataset about the costs involved in wood production. He finds a data analysis app in the Friend Store and buys access to that app using Friend Network Tokens. To enhance the speed of the analysis he chooses to use the Golem Network to execute his analysis in parallel across many ‘rented’ compute nodes.
University Mr. Peterson is the headmaster of a University, and every semester his technical team wastes countless hours on setting up students’ computers. By accessing the Friend Network, he sets up a Friend Cloud Computer template that has all the software that a student needs. Additionally, he sets up access to the library of content by curriculum and a shared drive where students can submit papers. For live broadcasting of lectures, he sets up different conference rooms sorted by class. Once the semester starts, he instantly creates five hundred unique user accounts, and each student is online and productive in minutes. They access the class on their smartphones, on their tablets or on their notebooks. A simple video introduction that greets them when they log in has a simple walk through for those who need it. And the best thing is that Mr. Peterson has saved time, money and frustration so that he can focus on education.
Small host Gary lives in an area where hosting and cloud services are in need, but where the local network has a low bandwidth to the outside world. Gary has invested in servers and has a great network infrastructure that offers good bandwidth to locals. Gary downloads Friend Core and configures it to handle storage space and services for users. By connecting to the Friend Network and creating a ‘provider’ identity, he can distribute his services on the Friend Store, earn FRND for use and offer great bandwidth and low latency for his local users.
Non-governmental organization An NGO that has members across the globe needs to set up dedicated work- and collaboration spaces for members in different specialist groups. The organisation is conscious about privacy and at the same time has a limited budget for information technology. The organisation sets up several workgroups in Friend, puts users into these groups and assigns them access to relevant specialist applications based on their group memberships. The organisation selects an IPFS based shared drive for storing their documents. For complex data analysis the group uses the Golem app to buy calculation services only as needed by the different specialist groups. They use the Streamr app to access relevant aggregated sensor data for their analysis. Friend Chat provides the organisation with inbuilt virtual conference rooms for each workgroup where they can share information in real time both via text, audio or video chat. All written information is encrypted client side and safely stored in the Friend Network’s BigchainDB database.
Archaeological research group A group of specialists in Viking history wants to collaborate on a newly received underwater imaging cloudpoint dataset to analyse it and see if they can make exciting findings. They set up their Friend node and also set up a Windows server in the cloud to be able to run their specialist Cloud Compare software across all research group sites. This setup gives them a lot of value for their limited budget. They use the Liberator stack in Friend to give all their users fast and easy access to the Windows application - independent of whatever end user device the different team members may use. They also use web native cloudpoint analysis apps to review the point cloud data on both their desktop computers and directly in VR, just using their phone and a high quality headset. This setup allows them to review the data across locations without the need to transport the multi-terabyte dataset to every participant. The inbuilt collaboration functionality provided by Friend and Friend Chat allows them to have live discussion sessions looking at the same dataset. Shared presenter sessions allow everybody to see the exact same content on each team member’s screen. They also use Friend Chat for live events to stream their findings to interested people around the world.
Large construction project A construction company is planning a large office building project in a community with a need for extensive information sharing. They use Friend to allow their project partners to collaborate on a shared workspace and mount their cloud storage into the different users’ workspaces with access rights according to project roles. They also upload an interactive 3D model and allow guest access to the 3D view application - this way the community can review the planned complex both on mobile phones, desktop computers and in VR. A simple app is created that allows both guests and logged in users to attach comments directly to the relevant parts of the building. This enables easy remote preliminary inspections for building code compliance, accessibility, and general usability feedback. They also use Friend Chat to live stream press conferences and share the interactive 3D view of the building and encourage community discussions and feedback. The simple user management in Friend allows specific stakeholder groups to access relevant information in a structured and user friendly manner without cumbersome administrative overhead.
Emergency response team A large energy company with installations across the world needs a simple solution that enables the emergency response teams that work on location to interact and collaborate with the situation room at the central command center. They set up Friend with global access and mount the relevant on-premise storage devices as drives for the response teams. They create a couple of simple applications directly in Friend and pre-configure virtual cloud computer templates for the different roles and scenarios in emergency situations. The responsive nature of the Friend Workspace provides all team members with access to the same apps across devices. This provides easy integration of both web based applications for maps and case information as well as access to specialised windows applications that can be run from on-premise Windows servers without the need to open RDP access to the internet.
Links :
ICO Website: https://friendup.cloud
Tech Website: https://friendup.tech
Whitepaper: https://friendup.cloud/crowdfunding/whitepaper/
Onepager: https://friendup.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/friend_onepager.pdf
Team: https://friendup.cloud/team/
FAQ: https://friendup.cloud/crowdfunding/faq/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FriendUPCloud/
Medium: https://medium.com/friendupcloud
Twitter: https://twitter.com/friendupcloud
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendunifyingplatform/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_8eeLQt9DKJC0xZQsiIDg/
Steemit: https://Steemit.com/@friendup
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/4831723/
Github: https://github.com/friendupcloud (Open Source)
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