Cloud mining

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Is Cloud mining worth it.

This is my current situation. I have been in this game for a while. I bought my first SHA-256 contracts at August. Since that I have already made my invest back and reinvested a huge amount to get in this point. Total price for that kind of invest will be 2550$ atm. Definitely too much for me but now I'm there. Currently I earn something like 40$ daily or at least close to that. My goal is to make 100$ daily.

What you need to know atm.

  • Bitcoin mining difficulty will change every ten days.
  • Block Reward will be cutted into half after ~900 days
  • These Hashflare contracts are only 1 year contracts.
  • Minimum withdrawal is 0.0107 BTC
  • Hashflare takes maintenance fee from profits. Today it's about 13 %

uusi sijoittaja.JPGuusi sijoittaja 2.JPGIf you are new in Cloud mining business. You can easily count your profits from Coinwarz side. I made an example counts for 240$ invest. Break even time is currently little bit under 60 days so this risk is definitely worth of taking. my referral link