I just discovered your blog after my good friend recommended you . wow impressive list of predictions you have.
I am curious if you think Walton will still rise to $17 or if you have an update on this one. Another friend recommend it to me at $2, which I rather missed out on.. thanks a lot ill be watching!
Alex, Walton has recently announced Guardian masternodes for anyone holding 5k WTC by Dec 10 or so. I am sure there will be some people taking profits as prices jump so high, but also with all the people jumping in on a node and locking up their coins there will be more price stability, as well as decreased circulating supply. Sounds like a win-win!
i ALWAYS love win-win! Thank you @olivers-wilde for this info...
Im still working on that time machine ;-)
p.s. i hope you saw that he did the update, looks like right after you posted.. He might have been working on it already while you were asking... you guys might actually be psychic time travelers:)
yes i noticed! and u might be right mate.. hopefully its a good sign! ;=)
Lol let me know when its perfected. I would say Haejin is definitely a time travel warrior with the accuracy of his predictions:)