
She is a fucking stupid girl she think steemit is Like a site for beeging. But people just give me upvotes ! Marry christmas @edicted

Lol, Jesus, you guys have fun, huh? Marry, Christmas. As a gift to everyone I shall reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto

you're a fucking stupid man who has no mind :)) and no head :))
who make decision without thinking about consequens!;)
and then you cry on this site "I don't know what to do with my life" :))
loser :))

anyway, you're my love babe ;) and I know you love me too!
You'll never forget me ;) because I'm in your heart ;) and you know that ;)
I never give up you on because you're mine, babe! <3

Oh my God, look at that face
You look like my next mistake
Love's a game, want to play?

There's a war inside my head
Sometimes I wish that I was dead I'm broken
So I call this therapist
And she said “Girl you can’t be fixed, just take this”
I'm tired of trying to be normal
I'm always over thinking
I'm driving myself crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm fucking crazy
And I'm gonna show you
Loco, maniac
Sick bitch, psychopath
Yea I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna show you
Yea I'm gonna show you!

Ești bolnava mintal marsh dracului sa te ea bai proasto !

si cica iti dau banii cand vi fizes :))
atunci cand m-ai sunat ca ai nevoie de mine si trebuie sa te ajut cu ceva, eram ok? :> :))
cand pufaiai ca un dragon de nervi ca nu aveai bani de majoratul lui flo , eram sanatoasa de veneai sa-mi ceri bani? hm hm ???
cand veneai pe pres la mine cu botul pe labe si cu coada intre picioare, eram sanatoasa? hm?
cand veneai si faceai pe milogul ca esti falit?
ce zici?
esti un jeg de om care profiti de bunatatea oamenilor,manipulandu-i pe toti, spunandu-le la toti ''bro'' ca sa-ti iasa pasenta :)) esti penibil :)) de asta esti batut de Doamne Doamne ;)
God saw you everywhere babe! ;)
@erikvantools :>

"Cu o femeie deşteaptă şi frumoasă viaţa bărbatului este o poezie, iar cu una proastă şi urâtă – o tragedie!" babe😂
pisoiul meu cu ochii verzi :*
Cum iti asterni asa dormi ! 😂😂😂😂😂😂