We need some kind of regulation for sure. In 99% of all cases you see its a project of no value when it has the words "coin" or "bit" in its name. :) This flood of ICOs is crazy. There needs some institution where they should have to register for coming up with an ICO. But therefore we need globally harmonized regulation. I dont look at any new ICOs any more. It ist just too much to read 10 white papers a day, checking the background of the team and so on.
Did you know about that FIFA ICO going on? They are advertising their ICO with Ronaldo, Messi, Satashi and a dead man. This is insane. I dont like FIFA and what they are standing for, but we all have to do against those fraudulent schemes. Oh an I got a reply from the real FIFA today. They will investigate this matter and take action. :)
PS: Thats why I like the NEO-plattform. A company promoting certain ICOS after checking the value they can add to the ecosystem.