I'm glad to read your article, it gives a great opportunity to underline the speed of transactions and whether or not the current Bitcoin itself is worth pursuing...
If you consider this:
Originating from: https://steemit.com/bitshares/@steempower/bitshares-state-of-the-network-17th-october-2017)
One realizes quickly that you are telling the truth about the speed of transaction and whether or not it is worth the glamour of SegWit2X.
Nevertheless, the application of the band aid will help the core version of it go forth much longer while helping a lot of people trying to get on the Gold Rush of Cryptocurrencies pretty much as quickly as one can right now. this, by the same token(s) will give the opportunity for many other versions of Bitcoins to find the exposure and light it deserves, notably Bitcoin Cash which runs on a platform fairly similar to the Bitshares platform, if I'm not mistaken, and has infinite scalability...
As the forks will keep coming in the years to come, will people come to understand the idea that applying band aids over band aids reduces the safety of their investments? I don't know, but I would have to say, the Bitcoin craze is going to go through a rehabilitation and the mind of the people involved in it will stat to open to other more potent cryptocurrencies already available out there right now.
Thanks for your comments and views on the situation, it sheds light on a real problem Bitcoin won't be able to come to terms with, though many brilliant minds out there are working at bandaging it in more and more complex manners.
Namaste :)
I like that picture but Litecoin has NEVER cost me $0.74 to send. Normally its one or two CENTS.