Thanks, @churdtzu. 7,000 words? Wow!
I was curious about the camel watermark, and figured it was comparable to Chicago's "vehicle immobilization program," where the city comes 'round and slaps on a yellow boot to the tire of cars that have accrued more than 3 vehicular tickets...
Perhaps, similarly, these agencies put their stamps of paralysis on top of the seized site?
Don't know if that's a reasonable or viable explanation for the watermark... not that the agencies "put" the site's watermark... but that they just overlayed theirs in the seizing? I dunno. I just perceive Ross as the victim here, not as a thief who happened to get busted.
Right... Well, it was weird, because the only thing on the site was the seizure notice, just as a picture. So it was like they screencapped the logo, then put their notice on top of it. So a lot of people thought it was fake. Basically, people thought that the federal agencies weren't even involved, and so they thought that Dread Pirate Roberts was a thief. We can rule out that possibility now.
Yeah I sent Ross a big ass letter telling stories about Anarchapulco, about my performance, Jeff getting up and rapping... all kinds of fun stuff.