Why did you miss the main invention in the last 500 years?

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

You've never heard of Yuji Ijiri. But in the distant 1989, he created something incredible.

This is a more revolutionary thing than a cotton gin, a steam engine, a computer and a smartphone combined.
When people look back hundreds of years ago, only the print press and the Internet usually look really significant in terms of impact on society. Both the Internet and print press allowed to democratize information, and also jointly significantly increased the collective knowledge of people around the world.
So, what am I talking about? What is it that created Mr. Idzhiri that it is so beautiful?

Triple accounting.

Yes, I'm serious. But do not be sad if you overslept the revolution. She was not shown on the TV and about her did not write on Reddit. When Professor Idzhiri died in 2017, most people did not read his obituary. His most famous book, Temp Buhochet, or Doing Triple Accounting, has a total of zero reviews on Good Reads. Thus, you are not alone among those who missed the revolution.
Let's try to google triple accounting, and see what happens.
232 000 results. In the days of Google, it's like not exist at all. The small instagram stars and memes made last week have more views.

The second link leads to an article in Wikipedia, which is simply an ogre. The fourth link is for work from 2005. Idjiri is not even mentioned on the first page.

So, where does the significance of this invention come from, if no one talks about it?

Because its first real application was not to the world until 2008, so we really have to see the real consequences of this invention. But make no mistake, this is coming, like a tsunami wave, changing every aspect of our lives and communities. How do I know this?

To understand why, you just need to learn a little more about the "hot" subject in the history of mankind.

Accounting: the hottest subject of history

Here's the trick: Without accounting, you would not be able to read this article on your ipad, or go to work in a new wheelbarrow, or listen to music on the net. Without accounting there is no commerce, no trade. Without commerce there would be no aircraft, tractors, trains, steam engines, skyscrapers or computers. There would not be national states, ships, containers for transportation, traveling around the world, carrying goods from far corners of the planet.

In fact, without accounting, you would still be poking around in the ground or hunted in the forest.

You see, throughout history to the present day there have been only two breakthroughs in the conduct of accounting. Each of them foreshadowed a massive acceleration in the social complexity of mankind and innovation.

The first breakthrough is Single Accounting, or Single Entry Accounting.

Just before the appearance of this thing, we ran through the woods, catching animals, worshiping the moon or cultivating plants.

Our possibilities were limited. You lived with your tribe or clan and engaged in hunting and gathering. Your parents, before your appearance, were doing exactly the same, and their parents and parents of their parents spent the same time in the endless cycle of years.

Accounting has ripped this cycle.

For the first time in history, we had the opportunity to self-load ourselves into a new type of life, such that it did not include every person on the planet, living from hunting to dinner. The earliest example of single entry accounting is found in the Sumerians, on cuneiform tablets 5000 years old. Oh yeah, these Sumerians who gave us the Epos about Gilgamesh, the oldest recorded story. These systems were simple but effective. You simply enter one entry in the ledger. He and he owes me $ 50.

As soon as you can monitor who owns what, immediately begins trading at a higher level. That is why the kings and queens of ancient times could build castles and establish professional armies, as well as create great wonders of the world. But single entry accounting is not perfect. It can only push you. The only accountants in those days were such characters as the brother of the king, because this guy had to really be trusted. All he had to do was to delete the entry in the book, and this money ceased to exist. There was no way to confirm, conduct an audit, there were no ways to establish a contract between two people.

This meant that the trade turned into a family business. The kings and queens traded with the ducks and basically left all the money to themselves, leaving all of us to starve. Mighty clans dominated the planet.

Double entry hurries to the rescue!

However, the single-entry system did not show signs of aging until the 1400s. For the first time at this time, ships appeared, with the help of which it is possible to travel both close and far. This means that people of that time could trade with counterparties that they never met in real life. Since ships became the main method of transporting goods to remote lands, poor city-states like Venice became centers of the ancient world and also pillars of international trade. But given the need to maintain such an amount of trade, a single record showed even more errors. It's easy to make mistakes when entering data. People's books suddenly became a hopeless mash of guesswork and lost money. The more transactions appeared, the more errors popped up.
Many civilizations, starting with the Italians in the 1300s, continuing with the ancient Koreans, and ending with the second Muslim Caliphate, all developed their versions of the double-entry system. Nevertheless, the system never got accustomed. And this leads us to the completion of the full circle, at the point of the most important invention in the history of mankind: the printing press. Without it, knowledge remained under strict supervision. People made a breakthrough in any industry only in order to die without leaving traces. The press allowed people to make hundreds of thousands of copies and this means that knowledge survived and began to circulate, instead of dying with its creator.
By the 1400s, the monk Franciscan had finally encoded the double-entry system, and she quickly became the standard among the Venetian merchants. All this only thanks to the saving power of printing.

This was the beginning of world trade. Goods began to move easily to all the empires of the Old World.

Scroll to this day and you'll see - we're still using a double-entry system. If you consider taxes in TurboTax or keep bookkeeping in Quickbooks, then you use a double entry.

But now, these systems begin to show their age on the wrong side. Take a company like Enron. They did everything to forge accounting books. They managed to hide billions of dollars in debts.

It is here on the scene appears Triple Accounting Accounting.

Dawn of the Triple Record

Most people missed the breakthrough of Professor Idzhiri because he combines two equally obscure and poorly understood disciplines: cryptography and accounting.

It is rare enough to meet a person who is well versed in one of the disciplines, not to mention that he understands all at once. Without an interdisciplinary understanding like this, it's no surprise that his invention flew past us like a big airship Led Zeppelin. There is also a small problem, he was an incredibly ahead of time man. Encryption then did not even enter the consciousness of the masses. If you work in the field of information technology, then probably remember the scandal with Clipper chips, when the US NSA was determined to put backdoor into all encryption. This happened in 1993. Idzhiri published his work in 1989. It passed almost unnoticed by the general public.

In 2005, there appeared a more famous example of a triple recording of accounting, created by the famous cryptographer Ian Grigg (Ian Grigg). Then, in 2006/2007, a self-taught programmer, apparently, studied one or both of these systems for a long time. He worked on alternative crypto currency without the need for centralized trust.

It was called Bitcoin.

This was the first working example of a triple entry bookkeeping. I know what you are thinking now. Please do not start another story about how Bitcoin changed the world. But here's the thing, Bitcoin will survive, or disappear, the blockage will continue to blossom and develop, and with it the triple-entry bookkeeping. Corporations and governments, which at first derided it, are now competing for the opportunity to adapt and use its power. (And by the way, I do not think Bitcoin will disappear, he will remain, like this haters or not).

During a recent summit in New York, I noticed representatives from Deloitte and Touche, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Deutsche Bank, the US Department of Health and Human Services, The World Bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Commission, Toyota, Fidelity and Citi, among Other guests. JP Morgan announced that they are integrating Zcash's anonymity protocol with their own corporate blockbuster, this idea would seem absurd several years ago. But here's the truth to you: we are only at the stage of cave people in terms of what we can do with the detachments.

We played with ridiculous money, created a currency and traded it, but the use of these currencies in the real world has so far remained limited by speculation and the profit of early adherents.

However, blockhouses can do much, much more, as well as crypto-currencies stimulating innovation.

One tablet will make you bigger

Accounting triple entries and, accordingly, block and crooked currencies are a way to agree with each other on objective reality. This is not the Great Objective Reality. The Great Objective Reality is a philosophical black hole, which at the moment we will omit. I mean Objective Reality without embellishment of our perception. I mean the agreement of the two sides on the event that took place in the past.

The third entry in the system, entered in the block, is both a check and a transaction. This is proof that an event occurred between two persons that goes far beyond the checks that each of the parties holds. But all this is just a theory. Why does it matter? What can you do about it?

A lot of things.

Farewell, Enron, goodbye

Then you can still make a triple entry with the help of the accounting department?

One of the simplest and most promising ways of applying is to issue shares.

Let's imagine that you have a small company that you called Enron. She's just fine. You have millions in stock bonds, say, 10% of all shares are controlled by you.

At least, you think so. You were given an officially looking piece of paper on which it is written that you own a million shares. Everything is legal, right? On the document is a seal and all that. Yes, except for the fact that you do not control a damn thing, because they were engaged in falsifying accounting reports or issuing a double number of shares. In a modern double entry system, getting you access to their accounting books is a security issue. They live behind a corporate firewall. Everything changes when the triple entry bookkeeping enters the work. We can release the papers, and you can check your papers for the blockage. Now, you do not need access to our books in order to make sure that you really own exactly 10% of all shares. You can look at the chain (blockchain), see that there were 10 million shares issued, that you have a million of them, so you really have proof of possession of 10% of such shares. This will not stop the process of forgery of accounting documents, but significant progress is made towards eradicating the multitude of financial crimes possible in today's system. When you receive a share, you know that you did not receive a share secretly issued twice.

Still, even if you have all this, you can continue to doubt, because Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are a negative halo created by the press, so let's pay attention to a few of the most common arguments against crypto currency, just out of sports interest.



Thanks so much for this article. I learned a lot and I think this is the answer to a lot of the questions people within the sphere of Bitcoin still ask about today.