Eh, I always laugh and think $1M is a pretty ridiculous prediction. First off, BTC keeps hard forking, increasing supply....I think it will definitely keep doing this. Each time you're taking away money from BTC with a growing supply. In addition, fundamentals of BTC aren't good enough, which means other coins once utilized more WILL take over market cap from BTC and I think you'll see the downfall. I related it similar to AOL during the dotcom boom. It's King while we're at this stage, but eventually will get dominated and become obsolete.
I did think that the crypto bubble this time around would have popped already though, so I may be wrong! I definitely don't see $1M/BTC in the next 10-years. Maybe in my lifetime the way things play out, but definitely not in 10 years.
regarding your opinion but as you know there are coins that are worth more than the bitcoin and the iendo to the graphs they do not have as much as the bitcoin because they do not have to arrive if the bitcoin are represented as the global before all the coins and that to operate commercial is almost essential the bitcoin could be that if or maybe you do not Thanks for your opinion