The Crypto-Fight Against The Bank / Crypto-Kampen Mot Banken

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Sturle Sunde vs Nordea Bank

Sturle Sunde is the founder of, where he buys and sells bitcoin.
August last year the bank closed his account, they said it was done because of fear of money laundering and terrorist financing.
They have no proof of this ever happening, but because its bitcoin, it could be used for something illegal...
But what about the cash you get from the ATM machine? Isn't it a bigger chance that something illegal can be bought with cash rather than bitcoin?
Anyway, back to the case.

The verdict says:

The Court is, after an overall assessment, no doubt that the risk of money laundering and transactions related to criminal offenses is clearly elevated by bitcoin trade, even though bitcoin trading is now largely done for legitimate purposes.

Retten er etter en samlet vurdering ikke i tvil om at risikoen for hvitvasking og transaksjoner med tilknytning til straffbare handlinger er klart forhøyet med handel med bitcoin selv om bitcoinhandel nå også i stor grad gjøres med legitime formål.

So now what? Is it over? will we not be able to trade with crypto in Norway anymore?

Sturle Sunde has so far spent over one million kroner of his own pocket in this case to win in the trial against Nordea. Nordea, of course, has a little more money than Sturle has, and to continue the fight, Sturle asks for your help.

How much is to be collected?

In practice, enough money will be collected to cover the appeal case. Sturle has already paid 1 million kr from his own pocket so far in the case. Asking questions about what the leftover money goes to Sturle's reply:

Dersom eg vinn og Nordea betaler alle sakskostnadane, eller det kjem inn meir enn saka kostar, kjem eg til å bruke det overskytande til eit godt føremål. Eg har tenkt på eit fond eller ei stifting som skal fungere tilsvarande Finansklagenemnda bank, men ta saker frå næringsdrivande og folk som gjerne vil starte næring. No har næringsdrivande formelt klagerett, men det finst ingen nemnd å klage til. Dei fell utanfor alle klageordningar, og langt frå alle har ein million kroner til å gå til rettsak mot banken. Då er dei rettslause. Klageordninga vil vurdere klager som Finansklagenemnda avviser som næring, og støtte alle klagarar økonomisk til rettsak mot banken dersom fondet/stiftinga meiner at klagaren har ei god sak. Eg trur dette er det aller siste bankane ynskjer seg. No kan bankane berre køyre over alle privatpersonar som prøver å starte næringsdrift. Andre innspel er velkomne.

Sturle writes on his own page:

Saka er viktig for heile det norske bitcoin-miljøet. Slik ho står no har retten i praksis sagt at bankar er forplikta til å seie opp alle konti som vert brukt til handel med bitcoin, både privat og til næring. Eg er sterkt usamd i premissa for dei dommane som er avsagt, og meiner dei baserer seg på ei misforståing av heile kvitvaskingslova. Spesielt § 10, som seier kva som skal skje dersom banken ikkje kan gjennomføre kundekontroll. Retten seier at den paragrafen skal brukast uavhengig av om kundekontroll kan gjennomførast, og opphevar i praksis både resten av kvitvaskingslova og finansavtalelova § 14.

Court order (December 5th 2017):

Verdict (April 30th 2018)

Press release from Bitmynt:

The fight continues...

Picture just for thumbnail:
mininordea vs bitcoin3.jpg

Latest Post: Flower Series #15 - Muscari Armeniacum


IT clear that this is a case of principple on the banks side, based in fear of theyre controll structure being at risk. In combination with the lack of spesific laws regarding these new currencys.

MEaning ofcource the reasoning is bull shit and biased. So its correct to say that the outcome of this case is important for future trading using Norwegean banks.

Meaning if the bank wins this, Bitcoinsnorway is potentially at risk too if they directly deal with a norwegean bank.

The outcome of this case is important to us all, and will effect us all. They say we are a "free" people, but that is only if we do as they say...
This is only the beginning, i hope you wrote down your crypto on the tax papers...

Its so stupid.
Even cash money can and ARE beeing used for criminal stuff.
At least bitcoin adresses is possible to trace in some way.

So true!
This just show that banks are really afraid of crypto, they will do whatever they can to stop crypto, even though the future is blockchain...

I too have been following this case, and dritten some posts about IT. Unfortunately this ended in an unwanted ending in my opinion. Change of the monetary system, historically, takes time. We are in that time-context, fortunate to live here and now, where such a change is walking on a tightrope...


Cash or

haha xD
(hvorfor er ikke du med å spiller battleship hos @norgesarkaden?)

Oh my god, I loved this video haha :)

bitcoin is good to use world wide even though i dave no bitcoin. i think bitcoin will be most popular digital coin to use worldwide place without change the money and no additional pay^^
