Since Zappl is far from working properly unfortunately - high loading times plus tried to post a zap two times with no success whatsoever - let me post my zaps here on steemit:
Greed will ultimately bring Bitcoin to its knees. And if you think the current state of events in the Bitcoin world is Satoshi Nakamoto's vision, then I'm really sorry for you. The current ecosystem is FAR, FAR from having anything to do with Nakamoto and his dream.
And in case you're wondering, NO, I'm not bitter, I too have investments in bitcoin and altcoins so I'm perfectly fine with Bitcoin going to the moon. But the amount of FOMO, hard forks, free money, mainstream media manipulation are way over the top. And sincerely, that makes me sick.
Bitcoin time WILL come just like you see today in the altcoin market. If you think Bitcoin is untouchable by the laws of the market AND of common sense, again I'm really sorry for you. Because sooner or later, reality WILL kick in. And guess what? Nobody will be there to help you. No banks, no legal adviser, no government.
And in case, you're wondering what in the world I'm rambling about, how about showing you a scene from one of my favorite movies EVER and one of the best movie speeches EVER. You know... God's Special Creature? HA!
I think all it had to do with all this increase is the new fork and the fact that it was announced that every wallet will receive an equal amount as the wallet holds in Bitcoin so there we go a crazy demand and we all can see the price!
Honest to be i found it very strange will all this forks and the fact that out of thin air wallets are rewarded with a new coin.
Just new number written in an account!!!
By the way brilliant pick for the video... i think wrap up very well what is happening now in the crypto world!
Most definitely, the hard forks are a big catalyst. However, what people fail to grasp in my opinion is that the upcoming Segwit2x hard fork is a different animal and could lead to very serious consequences. Right now, all the Bitcoin community is playing with fire and if things get out of hand, well... expect a full-blown firestorm.