2018 Theme — Watch for a Weaker US Dollar — Stocks to rise/fall —- Silver and Bitcoin on the rise.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Source: https://www.silverdoctors.com/silver/silver-news/nomi-prins-take-your-gains-from-the-stock-market-and-buy-silver/

Greg Walker did an excellent interview with Nomi Prins, who is well known author who was a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and had also worked for Bear Stearns investment company.

She is coming out with a new book in May, titled “Collusion: How Central Banks Rigged the World”. She gathered the data first hand by interviewing various people within the Global Central Banks.

A surprising theme to many is that she clearly feels the Central Banks Globally collude on interest rates, easy money and joint policies so that that they can manage the past 10 years. The problem is they are now sitting on over $20 Trillion in assets purchased and have no Plan B to unwind or get themselves out of this “mess”. Now it becomes a matter of time until a “domino effect” is felt from a smaller country not able to manage it’s currency and it leads to another fail and another and it will unwind. You can only balance so many plates on 10 fingers.

Her 2018 Themes than may interest you:

1.) Silver will rise for the year. She really likes silver and feels it is an extremely undervalued asset. She recommends taking any “stock gains” and rolling them into silver (she does that for her portfolio).

2.) Bitcoin will do very well as there will be more rotation into these assets. There are simply more institutional investment vehicles in place vs 2017 and you couple this with a weaker stock market and weaker dollar —- you have the perfect storm.

3.) Bonds will take a hit. This is due to a few reasons. Less countries will be buying these assets as interest rates will rise a small amount. The value of any bonds will go down as rates rise.

All this is good news for the long crypto and precious metals.

Her interview with Greg.


Man, who is Greg Walker? lol. I have watched this interview and read Nomi's book. Very good and informative

Oops...Greg Hunter...lol. He is a former CNN correspondent back in the day when they actually did investigative journalism. His channel is quite good. I like it when he has on Catherine Austin Fitts and he even has had a Clif High :-)

I have followed him for few years on youtube

Thanks for the interesting post! I fully agree on the silver point and like the perspective on crypto... the more as today looks pretty red again 🤯

I see that as well. The market is consolidating and weeding out the weak hands. The new larger players want as much cheap Bitcoin as possible. They can move prices.

Lets hope so, it's been a fairly dull 2017. We started 2018 well but PM's seem to have stalled for the time being and it's looking like a correction is due.

Or...they are gathering as many coins on the cheap :-)