Crypto's "attacked" -- prices down -- Goldman Sachs and the other "bad guys" --- doesn't matter to me -- it's on sale :-)

in #bitcoin8 years ago


It's funny we talked before about how Goldman Sachs came out on Bitcoin and was "bearish" (meaning negative) at $3000 -- yet they thought $2300 was a "good buy".

As soon as this was proclaimed -- prices dropped and rebounded and dropped again.

Goldman and others who "don't want crypto's" unless "they control them" like they do the markets, politicians and country leaders.

Of course the article comes out the Vitalik Buteran is "dead in a car wreck" of course the cyrpto's now "don't work like everyone thought. The media si always in full support of Goldman -- they are owned.

Have the need for blockchain applications thru: Bitcoin , Ethereum, Steem and more "collapsed" ??? i didn't see that memo.

Has Microsoft , and 83 other Major Companies thrown in the towel on Ethereum --- nope

So what has changed? Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) all created by the media and others.

These cryptos serve the same purpose they always did / hope to but they need time --- like the internet did:

  • Did Microsoft Windows come out like it is today back in 1987 --- hardly --- it was ugly trying anything to compete vs the MAC and Apple.

  • Did Google and YouTube look fantastic in 1992-1993 --- nope -- not even a glimmer of thought in a developers eyes yet.

The point I am making is, things take time, let it bake. They have had 7 years to hack Bitcoin -- they have not.

Now the craze is government coins will come out and replace "our crypto's" -- what is the difference with FIAT dollars printed at the FED and centralized coins with unlimited supply by the FED -- I would suggest none -- they are both Fiat.


To me, we have a sales going on. If you beleive in the crypto you are invested in "hang tough". If you don't know anything about it, now is the time to learn perhaps.





Sad but true....

They're trying to shake people out just like in physical metals market by surpressing prices and artificially forcing prices up in equities. Same MO every time to sucker in the emotionally charged Sheepal and bam!! Rug pulled out and transfer of wealth. You'd think people would of learned after 2000 and 2008 but here we go again.

It's going from the "weak hands to the strong"

Omg....i laughed so hard

Great share, thanks.

All good my friend.... :-)

I agree
currently doesn't look that great but i have faith and looking forward for the future.
Thanks for the great share

I believe in the applications. I have read over and over how great it is for all --- I don't buy it that now it's not good.


i would rather buy when all is "on sale"... ;-)

The crypto market cap is a drop in the bucket of fiat. When the global money bubble begins to pop, all that fiat is gonna be looking for safehavens like cryptos. That's when they'll enter the stratosphere :)