South Korean Government Bans OffIcials from Crypto Holding and Trading —— how honorable — great idea

in #bitcoin7 years ago


I have to give credit to the South Korean Government for coming out with a statement that South Korean Officials are “banned” from holding Cryptos or Trading them.

I think this move stems from the Korean Crypto FUD that was played on the world by South Korean Officials a few months ago. Regardless, I think this move is an excellent way for officials to make decisions without being influenced or hidden agenda.

Unlike in America, “insider stock trading is legal” for Congress and the Senate. I always thought that was odd and why this is allowed. It seems common sense you don’t want to have you public officials targets of being lobbied for monetary gain.

I wonder if this will happen in other countries?


Hope so !

Let’s see what other countries do. A benchmark has been set.

Land of the free and home of the corrupted.

Something like that

the bitcoin is the paradise to hide money, it can increase more the corruption to be a fiscal paradise, it would be difficult to control that.

Hard to control all , I agree.

I am, please not working for the Gov.

Yes great idea, government officials shouldn't be involved in any kind of personal investments

OMG finally someone who read the article. Yes, lots is people where saying that it was very bad for crypto and I was like, are you kidding me, this is great! 😄