Cloud mining profitability vs CPE mining UPDATE #6

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Some changes has occurred from my last report a month ago. Bitcoin has climbed at 11000$ level! Altcoins start growth as well. At the same time Bitcoin mining difficulty has a recession in November. Probably some miners have switched their gears to Bitcoin Cash.


Also we saw 50x (!) increase in 3 months in DASH mining difficulty due to new X11 ASICs supplies. Such rapid jump cause mining profit to decline in spite of the coin price increase. Could it happens with other currencies?


I've added ASICs and GPUs to my mining comparison. The advantage of your own equipment is that mining not limited to contract time and a cloud provider will not cheat you, but you should trust to mining pool anyway.

    ASIC-S9:                   # 2500$ 1370W
            mine: 1.85         # USD per 10Ghps (2500$ / 13500 / 10 GH/s)
            maint: 0.00167     # USD daily per 10 GH/s
    ASIC-L3+:                  # 2700$ 800W
            mine: 5.4          # USD per MHz/s (2700$ / 500 MH/s)
            maint: 0.00263     # USD daily per MH/s
    ASIC-D3:                   # 1450$ 1200W
            mine: 0.1          # 1450$/15000 MHz/s
            maint: 0.00013     # USD per MH/s
    GPU-1060:                  # 285$
        ETH:                   # Ethash 90W 22.5MH/s
            mine: 1.267        # 285/22.5*0.1MH/s
            maint: 0.000657 
        ZEC:                   # Equihash 90W /s
            mine: 1.055        # 285/270
            maint: 0.000548 
        XMR:                   # Cryptonight 70W 430H/s
            mine: 0.6628       # 285/430
            maint: 0.000267 


So, we have following parameters at current mining difficulty level:

|              | rate     |      coins |    price |   mine |    maint |
| ETH-GM       | 100 KH/s | 1.6935e-05 | 0.04098  | 2.99   | 0        |
| ETH-HF       | 100 KH/s | 1.6935e-05 | 0.04098  | 1.65   | 0        |
| ETH-GPU-1060 | 100 KH/s | 1.6935e-05 | 0.04098  | 1.267  | 0.000657 |
| BTC-HF       | 10 GH/s  | 1.87e-06   | 1        | 1.4    | 0.0035   |
| BTC-ASIC-S9  | 10 GH/s  | 1.87e-06   | 1        | 1.85   | 0.00167  |
| XMR-GM       | 1 H/s    | 1.553e-05  | 0.01746  | 0.833  | 0        |
| XMR-GPU-1060 | 1 H/s    | 1.553e-05  | 0.01746  | 0.6628 | 0.000267 |
| DASH-HF      | 1 MH/s   | 5.1e-07    | 0.06727  | 0.65   | 0        |
| DASH-ASIC-D3 | 1 MH/s   | 5.1e-07    | 0.06727  | 0.1    | 0.00013  |
| ZEC-GM       | 1 H/s    | 1.535e-05  | 0.02853  | 1.9196 | 0        |
| ZEC-HF       | 1 H/s    | 1.535e-05  | 0.02853  | 1.2    | 0        |
| ZEC-GPU-1060 | 1 H/s    | 1.535e-05  | 0.02853  | 1.055  | 0.000548 |
| LTC-HF       | 1 MH/s   | 0.00033465 | 0.008855 | 5.6    | 0.005    |
| LTC-ASIC-L3+ | 1 MH/s   | 0.00033465 | 0.008855 | 5.4    | 0.00263  |

rate  - Unit rate for calculation
coins - Coins generation per unit rate (from online calculators)
price - Price per coin in BTC (from Coinmarketcap)
mine  - Mining cost per unit rate, USD
maint - Maintenance fee, USD

Genesis-Mining (GM) currently propose only ETH, ZEC and XMR contacts, other currencies are out of stock. Hashing24 is sold out. Hashflare (HF) currently sale contracts with discounts, but please be aware that HF had voluntary changed BTC contract rules from Sept. 1 and will terminate already sold lifetime contracts in 1 year.

Mining profit calculation (BTC price 11795 USD):

             invest        fee       earn    usd_100  revenue maintenance  \
BTC-HF          100       0.25    1.57542    1.32542  575.029       91.25   
BTC-ASIC-S9     100  0.0902703    1.19221    1.10194  435.157     32.9486   
LTC-ASIC-L3+    100  0.0487037   0.647312   0.598608  236.269     17.7769   
ETH-GPU-1060    100  0.0518548   0.646073   0.594218  235.817      18.927   
LTC-HF          100  0.0892857   0.624193   0.534908  227.831     32.5893   
ETH-HF          100          0   0.496106   0.496106  181.079           0   
XMR-GPU-1060    100  0.0402836   0.482753    0.44247  176.205     14.7035   
ZEC-GPU-1060    100  0.0519431   0.489764   0.437821  178.764     18.9592   
ZEC-HF          100          0   0.430584   0.430584  157.163           0   
XMR-GM          100          0   0.384116   0.384116  140.202           0   
DASH-ASIC-D3    100       0.13   0.404665   0.274665  147.703       47.45   
ETH-GM          100          0   0.273771   0.273771  99.9264           0   
ZEC-GM          100          0   0.269171   0.269171  98.2475           0   
DASH-HF         100          0  0.0622561  0.0622561  22.7235           0   

                 profit   return    percent  
BTC-HF          383.779  2.53333    383.779  
BTC-ASIC-S9     302.208  3.03333    302.208  
LTC-ASIC-L3+    118.492      5.6    118.492  
ETH-GPU-1060     116.89  5.63333     116.89  
LTC-HF          95.2413  6.23333    95.2413  
ETH-HF          81.0787  6.73333    81.0787  
XMR-GPU-1060    61.5014  7.56667    61.5014  
ZEC-GPU-1060    59.8047  7.63333    59.8047  
ZEC-HF          57.1633  7.76667    57.1633  
XMR-GM          40.2025      8.7    40.2025  
DASH-ASIC-D3   0.252669      NaN   0.252669  
ETH-GM       -0.0736409      NaN -0.0736409  
ZEC-GM         -1.75248      NaN   -1.75248  
DASH-HF        -77.2765      NaN   -77.2765 

invest      - Calculate profit per each 100 USD investment
fee         - Daily expenses per purchase rate 
earn        - Daily revenue per purchase rate
usd_100     - Daily profit per invested 100$
revenue     - Revenue per year, USD 
maintenance - Maintenance fee per year, USD
profit      - Profit per year, USD
return      - Return of investment, months
percent     - Return percent per year, USD

The column "usd_100" shows daily profit per 100 USD investment. I could compare some values with real payouts from Hashflare mining:

      usd_100      roi  
BTC   1.41691      2.3  
ETH  0.354177      9.5  
LTC   0.25544     13.0 

As you could see, the BTC profit and ROI are corresponding to the calculated above values, but ETH and LTC profit are lower. I don't know why LTC profit is so significantly (2x) less.

BTC mining is more profitable than altcoins with ROI about 3 months. But who know what the price will be in future...


The calculation was done with assumption of constant price and difficulty level. This is just my personal research and not an investment advise.

Python scripts for mining calculation -> github


So - are you "renting" or did you go buy your own mining hardware?

I've tried some cloud mining service and not decided yet with own hardware.

Here is my new research update