I'm one of the new Crypto fans. We offered couple of years back to pay for our books or sponsorships in Bitcoin. And the idiot I was, I sold some of them couple of years ago for USD. But I did keep some (well fractions of a bitcoin) forgot about them and just recently took a peak into my wallet, not believing my eyes (in comparison, peanuts though).
But the main reason I'm here on Steemit is the fact for years we've been posting decent content on our Travel Blog. At the beginning we had great interaction with our readers and we got decently paid by Adsense. But over the years we noticed a stark decline. Especially when Facebook started hawking their users, not showing our updates to our followers. Making it super easy to rather comment on a Facebook post then on the actual article. And the recent push for asking to pay for boosts really turned us away.
So finding out about Steemit gave us so much hope. Over the years we collected so much great content we're eager to share and we're constantly creating new stuff as well. And yes, the money aspect gives a peace of mind BUT we also love the community, in just one month we've connected with some amazing people here. I can't wait to steem on!