Having grown up in a little village on the countryside with sheep in the vicinity, a church, a mom-and-pop store and a civil engineering company, I early on decided to make my life somewhat more sophisticated … and to let it be guided by heroes. And so I set out … for the great disillusionment …
Aufgewachsen in einem kleinen Dorf auf dem Lande, mit Schafen in der Nachbarschaft, einer Kirche, einem Tante-Emma-Laden und einem Tiefbauunternehmen, entschied ich bereits in jungen Jahren, dass ich mein Leben später doch etwas anspruchsvoller gestalten würde … und unter die Führung echter Helden stellen wollte. Also machte ich mich auf den Weg … zur großen Ent-Täuschung …
Overtures / Erste Annäherungen
At the University of Bonn I was introduced to the science of economics: utility functions and budget constraints, economic models made of myriads of variables, filing folders full of assumptions, equations, calculations and numbers. And above all: Noble gentlemen on stage skillfully juggling with numbers to explain the inexplicable: why we chose red socks instead of blue ones and why interest rates always will be positive. But there had to be more – and there was …
An der Universität Bonn wurde ich in die Wissenschaft der Volkswirtschaftslehre eingeführt: Nutzenfunktionen und Budgetbeschränkungen, ökonomische Modelle mit einer Vielzahl an Variablen, Aktenordner voller Annahmen, Gleichungen, Berechnungen und Zahlen. Und vor allem: Vornehme Herren auf der Bühne, die geschickt mit Zahlen jonglierten, um das Unerklärliche zu erklären: warum wir rote Socken gegenüber blauen bevorzugen und warum Zinsen immer positiv sein würden. Aber das war nur ein Anfang …
In the heart of England, at the University of Warwick, I, among a handful of selected young economists from all over the world, immersed myself in the science of quantitative development economics: sophisticated econometric models, roadmaps of agricultural development policies and the economics of employment and unemployment – all designed to finding the key (equation) to improving the lives of the less privileged. Pure noblesse …
Im Herzen Englands, an der Universität Warwick, widmete ich mich als einer in einer kleinen Schar junger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler aus allen Teilen der Erde der Wissenschaft der quantitativen Entwicklungsökonomik: anspruchsvolle ökonometrische Modelle, Strategiepläne landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklungspolitik und die Ökonomie der Beschäftigung und der Arbeitslosigkeit – alles derart konzipiert, den Schlüssel / die Schlüsselgleichung zu finden, um das Leben der weniger Privilegierten zu verbessern. Ein wirklich vornehmes Motiv …
Hall of Fame / Ruhmeshalle
One of the distinguished gentlemen on stage, the author of numerous academic papers and textbooks, answers to the name of Joseph E. Stiglitz, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) and the John Bates Clark Medal (1979), a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank and a former member and chairman of the (US president's) Council of Economic Advisers – thus one of the really big ones …
Einer der vornehmen Herren auf der Bühne trägt den Namen Joseph E. Stiglitz, Professor an der Columbia University, Träger des Alfred-Nobel-Gedächtnispreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (2001) und der John Bates Clark Medaille (1979), von 1997 bis 2000 Chefökonom der Weltbank und von 2011 bis 2014 Präsident der International Economic Association – also einer der ganz Großen …
Cutting a long story short / Pointe
On a sunny April morning, I passed an envelope with a letter inside over the desk to my principal at one of the renowned development institutions reading:
“I resign.”
Looking back I was proven right a thousand times. Or was it a thousand and one? Just a couple of days ago, I stumbled over this video, featuring Joseph Stiglitz on Bitcoin and on funny things like government, oversight, socially useful functions and tulip bulbs …
Could you hear it, too, the protagonist’s concluding words ‘… and then it collapses’? Surely, it will … but will it be Bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies? Even more importantly: Who is it who decides what is socially useful? And watching history unfold: Are governments and their money truly socially useful?
An einem sonnigen April-Vormittag reichte ich meinem Vorgesetzten an einer der angesehenen Entwicklungsinstitutionen hierzulande einen Briefumschlag mit einem Schreiben über den Schreibtisch, in dem es hieß:
„Ich kündige.“
Im Rückblick hat sich diese Entscheidung tausendfach als richtig herausgestellt.Oder sind es inzwischen nicht schon 1001 Mal? Vor ein paar Tagen stolperte ich über das folgende Video, in dem sich Joseph Stieglitz über Bitcoin äußerte und über lustige Dinge wie Regierung, Aufsicht, sozial nützliche Funktionen und Tulpenzwiebeln …
Und habt Ihr es auch gehört, die Schlussworte des Protagonisten: ‚und dann bricht es zusammen‘? Das wird es sicherlich…, aber werden es der Bitcoin oder die anderen Kryptos sein? Noch wichtiger: Wer entscheidet eigentlich, was sozial nützliche Funktionen sind? Bei einem Blick in die Geschichte lässt sich sogar die Frage stellen, ob Regierungen und ihr Geld wirklich sozial nützlich sind?
These are my thoughts today looking out of the window of our home on the countryside watching our chickens pecking at their grain, planning to breed sheep on our leased meadow and pondering on getting some wine at our local mom-and-pop store …
*So fließen meine Gedanken dahin, während ich aus dem Fenster unseres Heimes auf dem Lande blicke, den Hühnern beim Picken der Getreidekörner zuschaue, Überlegungen zu einer baldigen Schafaufzucht auf unserer gepachteten Wiese anstelle und einen Weineinkauf in unserem hiesigen Tante-Emma-Laden ins Auge fasse… *
Cheers from “Mount Ölberg” in the Seven Mountains to all you Steemians out there …
Herzliche Grüße vom Ölberg im Siebengebirge an alle Steemians da draußen …
The picture is mine and the video is from Youtube.
Great to hear that you escaped from that world.
Anyone would be wise to abandon a field / science in which the leaders and wise men have been so completely and horribly mistaken for the past few decades (such as the dismal science of economics / finance). It's the science whose policies and ideals have led us to the edge of collapse, and is now nudging us over the edge.
Re Uncle Joe Stiglitz, I've read some of his books and admire the man in certain ways, but when I saw the vid a few days ago, I was shocked by the opinions he stated. As for his being a Nobel laureate, you might like this recent post of mine ... https://steemit.com/money/@majes.tytyty/cm-21-no-no-the-nobel-prize-in-economics-the-dismal-science-is-not-a-real-nobel-chaos-monitaur
This is a good example of a fine, bilingual post. An interesting and very readable post, accessible to 2 readerships. Looking forward to reading more.
Thanks for your comment. However, I find it strange and diametrically opposed to "viewing the beauty of the universe" (what you're writing about yourself), to upvote one's own comment on someone else's post without upvoting the post itself. I perceive that as equally out of line with the true principles of life and nature than distracted statements by a recipient of a Nobel Memorial Prize.
You are correct. I make it a habit to upvote other's posts and comments before upvoting mine, and most often upvoting theirs at a greater weight than my own. I'm not sure why I failed to do it on this post, but I'm grateful that you pointed it out. I stand corrected.
It seems our wives had set a goal to meet in 2020, I must say I would enjoy chatting with you. We are brand new to all this.
I have nominated you to join the 7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge here:
Just noticed your reply - thanks for that and for the nomination! Ah, and you are the husband of @fishyculture - wonderful to meet you here! will check your blog and get back to you soon, best regards from the Seven Mountains and the slope of Mount Ölberg!
Sorry, @longsilver - I just realized we had the same idea ... as I just come to see that you've already nominated me to the #sevendaybnwchallenge ... well, a couple of minutes ago I nominated you ... so I'm now participating for you and my better half @jkiw ... cheers from the slopes of Mount Ölberg in the Seven Mountains in Germany
Cheers indeed, no problem at all. I must say it is nice just to know you and @jkiw exist. I love having friends from around the world.
Isn't it kinda funny how we look up to those "experts" and then over time they fall off the table ;-) They are on the colapsing side it seems... it steems - let's be curious about the outcome of all of this!
... the emperor is naked ... wasn't it the child speaking it out loudly? and then the common folks ... and then everybody realized it and dared to speak out! yeah: curious about the outcome!
Hallo @foxglovestrat !
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