Artificial intelligence predicts bitcoin price movements you can easily profit from. Free for now.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I am henceforth going to post my short term bitcoin (and possibly other altcoin) price forecasts here on steemit for free so that they can be documented on the time stamped steemit blockchain which will verify that the forecasts are genuine. I will be making my forecasts based on picking trades that are predicted at the following website

The idea is to use the forecasts in such a way that if for example the 48 hr forecast shows the price of bitcoin increasing $200 (approx 4%) in 48 hrs then you make a bet to take profits at half of that amount ($100 or 2%)and also to take losses at the same amount ($100) so for example if you put up $1000 and use TEN times leverage (at a site like which will have btc trading in January 2018) you could buy $10,000 worth of bitcoin and if it went up 1% in less than 48 hrs as forecasted you would make $100 and cash out the winner.If it went down 1% you would lose $100 and cash out the loser. If after 48 hrs it had not hit either the take profit point or the stoploss point you would close out the bet for a small gain or loss. The site claims to be correct 70-90% of the time but I am not sure how to measure that so that is why I devised the above system and will chart for free until the end of 2017 then pay $100 a month for the service if it is profitable. If you are interested in receiving the forecasts you can get them free for now here and let me know and I will give you the forecasts that I devise for $50 a month starting in January but only if they are winning and if they have a losing month the next month will be free. You can make the forecasts yourself but then you will have to do the work plus pay $100 a month to the neurobot trading service. So far I have made 5 demo trades and profited 8.2% which would translate into $820 minus fees using only $1000 worth of bitcoin (at ten times leverage that equals 8.2% of $10,000)
Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in receiving the forecasts starting in January and enjoy them for free until then. Currently it is Nov 6 2017 and I have no open forecast.