This info that just came out is very interesting. The site has done a survey and it was done in February of 2018 and it showed that 8% or 26 Million Americans does own some kind of cryptocurrency. Lets go over some details from the survey:
Comment: Perhaps not too surprising, Millenials are the most crypto friendly part of the population followed by Generation Y.
Comment: Here we can see that the media brainwashing is working to some extent. About 24% of men believe that cryptos are a scam and 23% that cryptos are in a bubble.
What I do agree with are these factors:
- It is too complicated to understand
- It is too difficult to use
If you want to learn why the current fiat system is corrupt to the core, it takes a lot of time to look into it so the learning curve for understand cryptos is pretty steep in the beginning. However, many people are investing in cryptos due to large gains and they have no idea about the real use for cryptos.
Also, "it is too difficult to use". Absolutely, cryptos are not invented by user friendly people but hard core developers and they dont have a clue about user friendly interfaces and that kind of stuff. So, if you are not tech-savvy, you will not find cryptos user friendly at all.
However, Im certain that this will change rapidly and we have already come a long way and it will get easier and easier as more and more people are joining.
Finally, lets have a look at what cryptos Americans are buying:
Comment: That Bitcoin was the dominant crypto was not a surprise at all and not that Ethereum was number 2 but what was surprising was that Litecoin was not even among the top 5. So, the Litecoin team must definately start focusing on the US population since 8% of non crypto owners are thinking about buying cryptos in the near future. That is another 26 Million so we are at the cusp of another crypto tidal wave.
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