Hi. I'm also a big fan of www.zerohedge.com. But I was a bit surprised that someone, who even though they are up front about it, is making big $$$ simply re-posting someone else's content (Your use of the zerohedge logo and name is borderline plagiarism though IMHO).
I suppose I should congratulate you though since I admire capitalism and the free market has decided they value your cut-paste work.
It is what it is but it's certainly frustrating that I work tirelessly to create original content that no one even hardy reads let alone up-votes (unless it's a paid bot that costs me money)
In the long run I think this practice will drive masses away from Steemit and I hope that the administrators do something about it.
In the meantime all the best, I suppose...
I'm also a big fan of @zer0hedge.