
There is so much to answer to this - you could probably read day an night for half a year. One good place to read, with many links etc is this 3.5 year long thread:

BLOCKNET is my favorite. ( As I see it as the best, superior to competitors)
But ... it is not the only one

Thank you for the great advice! This stuff is so fascinating!

I will check out the link you shared and try to read day and night for 6 months...
There is so much to learn about this subject, it doesn't get boring that is for sure...
If you have time please take a look at my first blogg-post here it is about crypto,

Read here: Will (ETHOS) fix the financial system (and make you rich)?!Thanks for sharing your wisdom @onealfa! it would be nice to hear your feedback @onealfa!


  • many gateway to deposit/withdraw the coins (openledger, rudex, cryptobridge), so you avoid the failure of a unique company
  • your balance is on a blockchain and not in the private database of a company, so no one can manipulate your funds
  • shared order book that interconnect all the gateway and let you buy on one exchange and send to another without moving your coins out/in


  • harder to understand

Con? to someone willing "to understand" this might be not a real CON

Ha ha "harder to understand" your funny, thanks for your explanation sounds like some real "next-level" stuff... =)