Keene, NH Has More Bitcoin Businesses Per Capita than San Francisco

in #bitcoin9 years ago

Hey Steemers, in addition to being a talk show host, I'm also a regular blogger at Free Keene - a multi-blogger site I founded nearly a decade ago.  We regularly cover the pro-freedom activism that happens here in New Hampshire and part of that is expanding the network of businesses that accept bitcoin!  Here's a story I just published today about the newest business accepting bitcoin in Keene, NH, where I live.  It also points out how we've got San Francisco beat, which is renown as the place with the most bitcoin-friendly businesses per capita.  Does your city have a higher concentration than Keene?  Please post in the comments!  Here's the story:

Big news! Keene now has Vietnamese cuisine available Wednesday through Sunday 11am-7pm on the side of Route 101 with the recent opening of "Bon Vivant - Gourmet Street Food"!

Chef and entrepreneur Isabelle Rose is cooking up delicious Vietnamese, French, and Vegetarian fare at reasonable prices. She told me that the food truck had been a dream of hers since 2009 when she started to make Vietnamese food for the local farmers market. Her food was very popular there and she started saving money up to launch Bon Vivant without going into debt. Smart lady! I stopped in this week for the first time and enjoyed a large bowl of steak pho noodle. It was delicious and very filling. I'm excited to have more ethnic food available fresh in Keene!

Not only is the food excellent, but Bon Vivant is accepting payment in bitcoin! Isabelle says she decided to accept bitcoin after reading about it here at Free Keene and being encouraged by Chris Rietmann, the owner of next-door Route 101 Local Goods. Just today she says three customers have noticed the bitcoin sign and asked what it is.

Bon Vivant is the newest member of a growing community of area businesses that accept the evolutionary crytpocurrency. The food truck is located right next door to Route 101 Local Goods which also accepts bitcoin for purchases and even has the area's only public bitcoin vending machine!Keene's not the only area of New Hampshire where bitcoin acceptance is spreading. Free Keene blogger Steven Zeiler recently announced that a major Portsmouth restaurant is now accepting bitcoin.

Keene's Bon Vivant is already visible on the CoinMap - a website that shows the locations of bitcoin-accepting businesses around the world. Per capita, Keene has more bitcoin-friendly businesses than does San Francisco, the supposed #1 place for bitcoin acceptance. With a population of over 837,000, San Francisco has, according to CoinMap, about 114 bitcoin-accepting businesses - that's one for every 7,342 population. By comparison, Keene has over 23,000 population with 13 bitcoin businesses - that's one for every 1,769. Keene has four times the concentration than does San Francisco.

To learn more about bitcoin, the amazingly successful decentralized cryptocurrency, visit and to join the local network of bitcoin-accepting merchants and customers, check out the Keene Bitcoin Network on facebook.


One of the so many reasons I want to move to NH!

Start planning and work the plan! There is much to be done.

Most of my plan revolves around keeping my car running long enough to get rid of all of my junk and save up some money :P

That's awesome. I wish more businesses would accept Bitcoin.

Wishing is nice but talking with business owners and their employees, promoting bitcoin and being awesome at the same time are way more effective ;-)

take it from Steven - he knows - he's been the thorn in the side of all the local NH businesses who now accept Bitcoin!

And I say that with nothing but love, brother! Good job! :-)