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RE: Who Really Controls Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

That's correct @handsolo. However the manor Bitcoin has evolved from its inception was not anticipated by Satoshi Nakamoto or the early participants. @dans article plainly describes the influence of the Chinese over Bitcoin mining farms.

It's difficult to find out what the actual agenda is and who is behind the recent events to control paper currencies in places like India, Australia and Spain to name a few. Some may label the Chinese as the villain in a global power play against the economic might of the USA, but if anything that is only a surface explanation. I don't believe it, I see it as a misdirection tactic to obscure the real agenda, which I equate to the globalist's agenda. It's all about control of the masses.

Pay very close attention to "the war on cash" and how digital currencies like Bitcoin are treated by the media and politicians. Those will be sure signs of where they plan to lead us.


Well put. I think we are in for interesting times with respect to crypto evolution.