Very much like what happened in late 2017. So many people flooding in to get crypto.
You Westerners are so naive. Have you ever considered that this could be coordinated price manipulation?
Very much like what happened in late 2017. So many people flooding in to get crypto.
You Westerners are so naive. Have you ever considered that this could be coordinated price manipulation?
Excuse me? I'm Naive????
There was money flowing into DOGE from every angle.
I'm a Westerner who is Naive????
No actually I'm the guy who owns a professional baseball team called the California Dogecoin.
The mass majority of my coins were purchased at $0.0024 so do whatever calculation you want and end up with over 1000% gain.
So No I'm not naive. You are just mad because you can't figure out why something like HIVE will NEVER make those kinds of moves. It isn't because of some sort of coordinated price manipulation.
People have fun and enjoy DOGE...... They don't enjoy HIVE because it is so obvious it is just a small little circle jerk to feed some of the witnesses and a few other surrounding that instead of actually becoming what it could. It could never capture the magic that is DOGE.
So no I'm not Naive ....... you can GEEETTTTT FUUCCCKKKKED