I am inspired by a article Scratch off ticket or litecoin? Which is better? https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@jetblake/scratch-off-ticket-or-litecoin-which-is-better that written by @jetblake. It said putting money in cryptocurrency is a far better investment in long run. I can’t agree more with that.

However, it’s not that easy as it should be to get starting in crypto investment as the whole process (from buying to coin storage) is quite overwhelming even as simple as in choosing a proper e-wallet or hard wallet is not that straight forward as to pick a scratch off ticket over the counter at a news agency. However, coinbase has made the whole process easier for beginner
Because it's not a easy task for the most beginner, I would like to bundle the fun part of scratch ticket (could win instantly up to $10,000 in AUD) with the guaranteed winner promise in crypto investment together and offer it to all Steemian for FREE.

Yes, you heard it right, technically it’s free but with a simple instruction as such - All you have to do is upvoke, comment and follow me. As soon as the payout reward has covered my cost for the scratch ticket, once I am not at lost, I am more than happy to share the winning evenly with people who support me and follow the instructions below.
As soon as you did all that (upvoke, comment and follow me), you can enjoy the excitement from scratch ticket without paying a dime, and you’ll be awarded the equal amount of winnings in crypto in return (if it’s a winning ticket) by simply following the steps below:
Each day or whenever I am available to purchase a scratch ticket (cost per ticket AUD$1.1), I will make a post in steemit (1st post is live, link here )
Anyone who upvoke the post link here will have the chance to share the winning from the ticket.
However, in order for me to share the winning, you have to leave your comments in my scratch ticket post link here, and follow me so I can update you whether we have a winning ticket
I will only reveal the ticket result when the steem award value has reached $1.1 Steem Dollar or above and it has deposited into my wallet. As such, it’s fair to everyone who has upvoked my post, and followed me because of this scratchy ticket event.
The scratch ticket I am going to purchase is value at AUD1.1 (including gov. tax). the top prize is AUD $10,000. Odds of winning a prize is 1 in 4.
I posted a new Scratch ticket steem article, and it’s 5 people upvoked and each of them had left me comments and followed me. Then these people will definitely have a chance to share the winning if my post has rewarded by upvotes at $1.1 or above in Steem Dollars.
Then, lets say the ticket has won AUD $10.00 and each follower who has upvoked and commented to my post link here will be able to share the winning and take AUD $2 in Steem Dollars. However, if ticket did not win, I will take out my cost for the ticket (AUD 1.1) from the steem payout, and the leftover will be re-invested into another scratch ticket as in another new post, then same rules applied.
Remember I am running this as experiment and it’s just for fun. If you do like this idea, please comment below, follow me and upvoke this post to get the drum rolling.
I am also open to any constructive comments. Enjoy!
First scratch ticket post is LIVE here:
Of Course I'm in I did the UP Vote and I know the very FIRST Ticket is going to be a WINNER. Looking forward to my payout from that Lucky Ticket........
Thanks for your support. Please click here if you want to participate - "21 Sep -# 001 Daily Scratch Ticket post - LIVE Now". And follow the instruction there
Also, please resteem it for me so I will have enough steem dollar to pay for the ticket.
I upvote, commented and followed you and now I am playing catch up to your past links posted in this blog. Cool idea that you came up with so I'm in. Let the games begin. @cleverbot do you think we have a winner here?
As I already mentioned at the #001 Post its a very nice idea :) if this gets bigger and I m sure it will get bigger , you could be able to play 10 or more tickets every day :) And one day we are going to take down the JACKPOT !
yeah! Get more people to get upvote the post first in order to have enough fund to buy more ticket. : )
Great idea. Smart promotion. Up voted by me!
Thanks for your support. Please click here if you want to participate - "21 Sep -# 001 Daily Scratch Ticket post - LIVE Now". And follow the instruction there@jetblake
Also, please resteem it for me so I will have enough steem dollar to pay for the ticket.