
I don't think there's much they can do though

I think the administration will hold off on doing anything for at least the next two years. Just to see what develops and gain more information on the subject.

Nice... by then it will be a multi-trillion market

I am betting on it! I plan on diving into cryptos full "steem" ahead!

And they will be able to do...Nothing about it. mouaha.
But yeah 'bitcoin situation' 'homeland security' I wonder how ignorant they are on the question. Seems a lot.

I was trying to explain bitcoin to my mother. She had very little interest until i was explaining how the government can't just come and take your bitcoins like they could if your money was stored in a bank. I find that so fascinating! The security of it all!

It is really funny how they try to regulate what they don't understand!

- looks like this xD xD

This gif sums up gov regulations perfectly and not just Bitcoin. Haha

Very true, they are clueless.

My question is what can they really do? China went much further in its attack on bitcoin than the US can do yet bitcoin can keeps moving forward.

It seems that the more they talk about regulating, the more powerful cryptocurrency gets.

If they're smart they'll get the printing press running and buy BTC.

The banks are already doing that.....they are taking their fiat and getting into crypto....

JP Morgan even got caught with their hands in the cookie jar a couple days after Dimon was blasting it on TV.