Bitcoin is on the increase not along ago it hit $10000....but now you read bitcoin is over that now.....and because of that increase north korea hackers are taking powerful advantage by focusing on exchanges to gain financial stabilify of profit......
One bitcoin was less than $1,000 at the beginning of the year. The increased price is not only attractive to investors, but also to hackers working for the Hermit Kingdom, an independent security researcher, made mention of it to sky news......
Image source
One of the reason why bitcoin is persistently attached is just because of the increase in price high inflation.......persistent increase in price of a there is an enthusiasism for hackers to target said to sky news....
Shen said she and other researchers have been tracking Lazarus, Bluenoroff and Andariel — hacking groups suspected of being backed by North Korea — the attacks is done by banks in europe and north korea,
an ATM company and bitcoin exchange. She told Sky News cyberattacks are usually conducted to gain confidential information, but they have been recently veered toward gaining digital currency
No matter what bitcoin will keep being safe and increasing...
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They will need to have over 51% proof of work before they get anything. No doubt the chinese are helping them, because BCC isnt worth what BTC is. This is why dual authentication is a must for anyone with substantial holdings and you should purchase a dedicated laptop exclusively for your crypto and keep them in cold storage. Using the same laptop for surfing porn and watching youtube and keeping your crypto data on the same machine is a recipe for disaster. All they need is a keylogger from one of the porn sites or any other site.
Oh i see no wonder my friend bitcoin was hacked recently and transfer was made alot of point @marcoagarcia3rd
Everyone whining about losing bitcoin was simply too lazy or too stupid to implement dual authenitcation, and/or was watching porn or websurfing with the same machine. And dont use your cellphone to open your vaults, just what you have in your wallet(s). Only open your vault on the laptop to transfer from your vault to your wallet. Another thing you want to do is phone the recipient- have them send you thier recieving address, then send them a random amount, lets say $1.14 , then have your recipient tell you what they recieved. If they dont say $1.14 or they say nothing- they sent you the wrong adress or an adress not associated with the coin you are sending. If they say " you bastard! you only sent me $1.14!!! " then you know you have the correct address, and you can then send the remaining $500.00, or $10,000. or whatever the amount. Once you send it- its gone- I saw one guy on youtube who woke up and found about $122,000.00 worth of bitcoin in his coinbase account because someone didnt verify the address they were sending to. Spread the word, apply the tactic, my freind.
Hmmmmmm mehn sir your advise is very very powerful .......thank you alot for the great advise .....GOD BLESS YOU SIR
You can thank me by telling as many people you know, so they dont get ripped off. For the first time in human history, we- the people of the planet earth- united togher as one, all faiths, religons, etc have the chance at controlling our own financial destinys. DONT GIVE ANY BITCOIN TO WALL STREET. KEEP WHAT YOUR NOT GOING TO SPEND IN COLD STORAGE.
Hi, friend, I finally find you, and upvote you.
Thanks alot
I remember the other day that I got an alert on gmail that someone from Korea is trying to access my gmail account. I don't know if it's connected to this but this is scary. I added security on my gmail because of that.
Thank you for sharing this @gbless4wap !
Its good you secure the account for me i dont just visit any link sent to me .....@leahlei
God richly bless you....
For me this bitcoin will reach $40000 before the end of next year....nice post
My brother the thing tire me jare