
It shouldnt. Austin is the mini-silicon valley.
And Austin is weird.(ie alternative is cool).
Plus Dallas brings in a lot of businesses and young smart people...
So, of course it is killin it. I wish I was there right now i stead of stuck in Detroit.

Don't believe the news or media or stupid liberals that Texas is backwater anything.

@em31 spot on comment man. I'm from Dallas area originally. I love the Austin area and yeah, it's really progressive/alternative. People have some pretty silly impressions of what Texans are like and fail to consider how massive of a state it is. There's a huge spectrum of biomes and cultures across the lone star state!


Hey...prolly just a typo or subconcious... But you morphed my name with @m31

Ours are quite similar, but two very different folks!!

I lived in Plano for a summer and had college friends that went to UT Arlington. Before our move up north we would be in Dallas 2-3 times a year.


Hahaha!! Whoops... odd what the brain will do XD

Wow, that's pretty crazy @em3. I grew up in Allen my whole childhood and graduated from AHS. My parents live near Bethany Dr./ Jupiter Rd. Small world!

And sorry for the out-of-turn mention @m31 :D


Hehe. I just got notification about this. Made me laugh. ^^