After for about 3 years of research about money i came into conclusion that i believe fiat and crypto can complete each other like a couple.
Fiat currency all over the world was created by debt+interest mechanism and fractional reserve lending. And over the years there is QE which is printing more money into the circulation. Like mike maloney said in his video hidden secret of money. Watch and see his video it will make you understand more about money.
You will know that over years fiat currency will lose its purchasing power.
Meanwhile cryptocurrency is i believe the third wave of internet . First internet then social media then now cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is basically a computer language program that using blockchain, a blockchain is a system that makes cryptocurrency can be auditable, trackable and transparant. Thats why the silkroad case can be tracked. And crypto currency like bitcoin is limited supply only 21 million , which is mean it w i ll have deflation or higher purchasing power over the years ahead. And it also decentralized.
Now we live on the age where cryptocurrency and fiat currency exist together. Due to nature of fiat currency will have inflation, and cryptocurrency will have deflation. So i believe we live on beginning of best years ahead. Where a common man will have real choice to be rich when they transfer their fiat currency to crypto currency like bitcoin.
It doesn't really have a choice.. Unless nukes start flying and someone takes over the world. The problem is its effecting the pockets of big brother and he isnt liking it too much. Government will have to figure out a way to adapt or figure out a way to dig in and fight it.
Here is the interesting part. When crypto currency like XRP come into know 'they' already there. Another interesting part is when supreme leader kim jong un threaten South korea with nuclear .and the Ethereum price go up.