Bitcoin is driven by bots for a log period of time now. Thats why investors are no longer interested in investing in BTC and put there money into other Alt coins like Holo, Delta, Waves and so on.
See below all Bots spikes occuring on daily bases:
There are simply no investors any more that invest in Bitcoin, and the whole system depends on it, even coins like Ethereum and Litcoin, but also all other coins eventually lean on the Bitcoin price, because 99% uses the key/pair BTC.
Taxes in America have finally been paid and the damage can be made up.
All numbers are dramatically bad and the end is not clear yet. The D/S ratio has dropped to the lowest value 5370, and the Demand is only 31 million. Also the Google count search has dropped.
If we look at the demand in time we see that around november 2018 it went wrong, but the process already started at the end of May 2018.
If we look at the D/S ratio we see the same pattern if we compare it to the BTC price
We also can conclude that the volumes for BTC and Alt coins are not a good number to watch.
Volumes do not indicate a higher BTC or Alt coin price(s).
If we draw the basic lines depending on the BTC price history on the daily graph we get this:
If we zoom in, we see that BTC has arrived at a new decision point, somewhere around February 1, 2019.
Bakkt, Fidelity, Nasdaq, ETF and more, please do not count on it, or wait for it .
It is all in the game for a long time, to keep the banks their position and power. (manipulation of news and SEC)
Alts are not driven by bots?
Hm lol..
Next bull run will be the biggest and longest, be thankfull for the time we still have to accumulate. At the end of 2017 a lot of people wished to be the investors of early 2015. Now we have a second change :-) to become the people of 2015, just relax an prepare. At the end of the next bull run a lot of people wished to be the people of early 2019.