So I'm sitting here having my morning cup of Joe/web-surf, lately I start the day off this way being that I'm temporarily off work. I usually pull up Bitcoinwisdom along with Poloniex, Youtube~
While podcasts and related videos play in the background, I'm scouting for possible trades to take, muting the volume if more focus is needed (Math lol.) I'm taking mostly long entries on bitcoin dips currently and riding the wave ~~ I've been invested in Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies since 2013, seen ups & downs but most importantly, learned a lot..
Oh, should I mention that I get a bit sidetracked at times with both my wonderful 3 month old son (who just took an epic wiz while being changed) and loving, talkative wife.. Love uz xoxo
So ya, where was I...
Crypto. I am in the midst of rebuilding a rather meager portfolio. I cashed out a substantial portion of my bitcoin position in January of this year, after seasonal work had ended for me (I build pools half the year.) Both luckily and with gained experience, I was able to walk away with just enough to move our growing family into a nice healthy new dwelling.
Nothing fancy but the roman tub is a nice upgrade from the project housing I lived in for the past 14+ years..
I've also made some more typical, amateur mistakes when trading too often (in ticker-lock lol) and with margin. I even fell for a scam or two but...
Anyrate, back to this morning.
So I'm surfing, reading and all around bullish on Bitcoin, when my youtube up next box reads:
Out of sheer curiosity, I give the man everybody loves to hate a listen, and low and behold he's preaching.. Surprise, surprise... Actually, it was a little surprising to hear him calling out his allies on pure political beliefs. Incase you haven't heard, The Yeezy is officially in support of the new president elect Trump. WHAT?! Yes, Indeed yet maybe not so surprisingly after all?.
A whales influence is only good as the trend is steady. Of course manipulators exist but the trend is easier to work with than it is to go against. Is Kanye really bucking a trend or is it just the old Thesis+Anti-thesis=Synthesis drama being performed by the good ol boys and girls?
It doesn't sound like the fans were unanimously in favour of paying to go to Chizzurch with ol Yeezy on this one but I can't say I'd be totally disappointed myself. He's making some good points if it's sincere. If not, well bravo. You're the man, man. As usual..
Another day another dollar y'all. Till next time. signing off