I apologize for this text to whoever bother... But is necessary

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I apologize for this text to whoever bother. But I turn to whoever reads me because I want to make known some things that are unknown in the foreigner about Venezuela. I recently met in various places through chats with "Venezuelans" talking very well about Venezuela to foreigners. For this reason I am obliged to apologize for these people who lie freely. It is possible to recognize that years ago the Venezuelan government created a "mission" in which Venezuelan students were sent abroad with a single objective. Disguise at the cost of lies the real situation of the country. This has increased to such an extent that it annoys a lot that someone from abroad from Venezuela tells you "That you complain if your Venezuelan friend tells me that what happens on television is a lie and there they are living like kings." This is a total and absolute lie. Venezuela passes for perhaps the most deplorable situation of all its history in which the citizens are treated like animals without importance.

In short, judge for yourselves:


- There's no food.

- No work.

- There are no medicines.

- There are no laws.

- There's no respect.

- There is no democracy.

- There is no free education.

- Every resource has an invaluable cost and value.

- The job is very poorly paid.

- There is no purchasing power.

- There is no space in the hospitals.

- There are few professionals prepared in the different areas required in a country (Most who have resources are gone).

- If there are Sicariato, Robos, Kidnappings, Hampa and terrorism.

- If there is money for weapons.

- If there are jail time for those who do not commit crimes.

- If there is corruption.

- They want to build a congress which is made up of criminals and illiterates.

- Do not respect the decision of the citizen.

- No production

- There's a drug.

- The electrical service is inefficient.

- The water service is inefficient.

- The internet service works only in the morning (the rest of the day fails if you have the service and if you do not run with bad luck to steal the wired system).

- The top leaders of the government are accused of drug trafficking.

- The national army is involved in cases of drug trafficking so it defends everything that the regime demands.

- National defense agencies do not defend the citizen but the government.

- The poorest people starve or look for food waste in the trash of others.

And this is only a small part of what is currently happening in this country.

The few that have access to the media try to make known this crude reality but annoying the fact that other liars say things that are not true about what is happening in Venezuela today.

Thanks... 1MNSa62Ewg7Cgj85ExMYXtfhnrT1cz5uJt


I heard that they gave bakers supplies to make bread, demanded that they make more than was physically possible only to then throw the bakers in jail for not meeting the quotas, which then caused people to eat rats from the street due to lack of people producing food. Chilling place to live.

The bakers' is totally true. There is no flour to produce bread and also demand quantities that are not possible to do with the few resources that give the bakeries to work. Here you must decide between working. Or go to make the queue of bread or the supermarket by which I get some dietary supplement. A few days ago in my city a pet home (where they collect dogs to give them a home) was forced to sacrifice 260 dogs because they have no resources to feed them and families do not want them because they do not have money for their own meals And adding an animal to the family is like adding a person for the expenses they assume.