Play videogames everyday...
Okay maybe not everyday but there are some classics I'd like to play(final fantasy 1, Chrono trigger, dragon quest. I really like jrpgs) with no guilt that I shouldn't really be doing this!
Other more important things that come to mind if I no longer had to concern myself with daily survival would definitely be drawing. I always wanted to make a comic book series. And just learning to draw in general would be fun. Getting physically fit finally is also one of my personal goals I could focus on. Clean eating and learning how to cook well. Dabbling in other creative endeavors like music or steemit(can never have enough money after all).
I'd also like to get into commercial real estate. I figured if you're gonna live on the earth might as well own your piece of it. All while studying some libertarian ideology and Western philosophy. I think I would be happily busy everyday rather than stressfully busy every day!
Thanks for the fun post! I could think of an endless list of things I could do really.
Great thoughts, thanks for sharing!