If you want to own and trade cryptos you can do it yourself or you can do it on an Exchange. There are risks involved in holding your own bitcoins but most seem to prefer this. However the one thing that is truly annoying of all Exchanges is the complete lack of any reasonable support. I agree that some appear to be well run and want to be compliant but the area they all fail in is providing any real access to support. If you lose your access to your 2FA and cannot get onto your account then good luck. I am not aware of one Crypto Exchange has any telephone support where you can call them up and get help. No - they all hide behind the anonymity of a support tickets or email.
Going forward there would appear to be a big opportunity for some kind of middle man that can help set up Bitcoin accounts and provide real support. With a small fee then this would make the industry far more accessible to the average person and then we will really see the big movement of cash from Fiat to Crypto! Maybe I am wrong but why has this not become a reality yet?
Cost of customer support is really expensive and people do not like fees. Ultimately, you get this support with a credit card (which takes ~3% fee from the recipient). From a business perspective keep in mind that wages are only one portion of employee cost. (Benefits are about 50% of wages. Training, buildings, turnover ect. ) The reason Bitcoin was successful is that it could not be shut down (decentralization); many earlier attempts; by real "traditional" businesses to introduce similar products (with real support) or backed by Gold failed due to government regulation.