Crypto money traffic on a country basis

in #bitcoin6 years ago

According to Morgan Stanley's research, the country with the highest cryptographic transaction volume is Malta.

According to Morgan Stanley's research, most of the crypto money exchanges are located in the United Kingdom, but the country with the largest volume is Malta with a population of 430,000.

This new study examines the world's cryptographic stock exchanges. Some of these stocks can reach billions of dollars on a daily basis. According to the survey, Malta is the nominally volume-based leader. One of the biggest reasons for this is the decision to move the center of Binance, one of the largest crypto money exchanges in the world, to Malta: "Binance has announced its goals of moving its center there [to Malta]. If we do not count that stock exchange, Malta is far behind us in the lineup. "

The reason for moving Binance, now headquartered in Hong Kong, to Malta is beginning to become more and more strict with the regulations of cryptographic money exchanges. In addition to Binance, the third largest crypto stock exchange has announced that OKEx will open an office in Malta.

Malta is in a leading position in terms of volume, but the UK as the number of stock market leads in turn. "Most stocks are located in the UK, Hong Kong and the US," Morgan Stanley's research said. These three countries are said to have relatively large financial centers ".

Throughout the year when the crypto money markets have been around the world, the sector has begun to attract more attention to the regulators with the increase of the money flowing. While countries like India and the United States are trying to control the effectiveness of crypto money, countries such as Switzerland, Gibraltar and Malta are trying to attract the sector.

"The block-chain and crypto-money industry is growing rapidly and the start-ups in this area can provide countries with an economy, research and development and financial transactions."

The study also points out that attractive regulations and their commitment are important factors in choosing a country for crypto money markets.