that time has already passed. some brutal advice the last two weeks. I appreciate his input and the time he puts into his videos. I also appreciate his tutorials. He does deserve some credit for his input. There are others with much worse TA, but then again they have no where near the exposure. He doesn't deserve all this hate because people need to do their own research, but I feel he knew that his advice was bad but continued to post because a couple weeks of him posting is a good chunk of money.
People put way too much stock into his suggestions during the bull run. When things got dicey his advice was terrible, which is when you actually need good advice. Now if we start going up again, everything will be peachy and everyone will jump back on his bandwagon because he pretty much only suggests up, up, up. And it will be his TA that is praised and the cause of the gains
he knows his followers are 90% newbies he has been sending people to slaughter house with his "imminent explosion" and "orgasmic lunges" altcoin posts as BTC was falling!!! Just to get his daily upvote fix. This is malice and hideous greed.
Please come upvote My TA, I did accidentally call the btc dip just a couple weeks ago but not much exposure to gain for small kids :)
I learned charting by Haejin btw, he is a great teacher even though he get rewarded well.
Better bring the alternatives up front than building hate in your minds, be an example and not a warning.
Remember your grandkids will read your comments one day.