As requested, here is an update on DOGE coin. As an Altcoin which takes corrections very slowly, DOGE is expected to be no exception. The below chart shows how many might think the red A could be the bottom of the correction. Likely not. The quickest mode might be the ABC. Even then, the wave is likely to morph into a more time hungry pig!
The below is DOGE/BTC. The corrective waves in the white box was quite elaborate with consecutive downward pointing symmetrical triangles. Many thought that the initial downwave was the correction itself...however, the time extension was not escaped. The blue box is likely to be not too different as shown by the free hand drawing of white line which is only an approximation and not a forecast.
Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.
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Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
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Are we seriously doing TA on Dogecoin? It is the original sh**coin.
Personally I think fundamentals are going to bring Doge back and eventually into $5B territory along with other high-tech but low-profile projects as Groestlcoin, BURST, Decred etc. I am seeing Doge functionality on more and more websites and it offers a lot of utility as a trading pair on some exchanges (small price allows much greater decimals for trading). Ultimately I don't think it'll matter if it's called a Crapcar if it looks and drives like a Ferrari.
Best post bro
And make like a fortune there!!!!
Come join me there to make your Dogecoins there too!!!I thank you for reporting this but I already knew about it but that's okay been investing in dogecoin a lot and now have 396228.28337901 Doge and invest it at https://bitdoggy.top/index.php?boss=16731
Niceeee tnx... !!!
great info many thanks
thank's for sharing the news of cryptocurrency
Doge has returned to Earth from moon. haha sadly i had to sell it
excelente publicacion amigo!
very nice post of u sir wonderful .
Muchas gracias por compartir tus analisis
Excellent information
A better point of view on dogecoin ...
oh dear god why are you telling people to invest in the shittiest coin possible.
i wish someone could film you and lay it on youtube right now right today when you are saying this, and knock at your door some years later when this could be worth millions if you would have bought them cheap at a MASSIVE quantity! I would be happy to tell you " SEE!! I TOLD YOU!!! "
I agree with you 100% with what you saying...keep up the good work!!!! I invest in Doge all the time at bit doggy all the time and now have 396228.28337901 doges and am making way more like 503.95 per day at putting in 10000 doges into bit doggy every 40 days at 5% hope to get to where I can deposit more and make like way-way more than that as I gain in doge here is my link to bit doggy if you want to check it out:
Happy mining dogecoins!!!! https://bitdoggy.top/index.php?boss=16731
Dogecoin is not shitty but going up and up in price it's worth a lot now than it was a year ago or 4 months ago too, why don't you realize that it's a coin worth its weight in gold???...hum, I think you have not paid attention to how Dogecoin is getting better and is not worthless as you think... you need to pay attention better I think than you are!!!
Congratulations you have won the fake news of the day award!

You are stupid to call it fake news idiot!!! you don't know the truth about Dogecoin at all!!!
awww you mad bro? Yeh you mad.
Not mad your just stupid is all ...lol!!!...Not bro am ma'am to you thank you very much!!! hahaha!!!
I will send a postcard from the moon, ma'am.
Doge coin is one of those coins that have a VERY long term potential if any...A very good entry point would be, 0.005 sat. Do you guys hold Doge?
yes, i agree .005 is a good entry point for someone whom did not get in at .0002
incredible work - just like the BTC check u uploaded today - incredibly talented! keep up this good work hope ur excellent value pays of :)
Comments down I'll follow back
These rewards for virtually nothing are insane. This is unethical. You know it. Greed is blinding.
please tell me good cranes for collecting cryptovadutes!
to the moon
I really do wonder where things will be in a few months for all these coins.
It´s great your post brother, Thanks.
This is the year of the dog, Chinese people could be buying DogeCoin like crazy to push up the price..
excelent post