Here are the current witnesses and below it the standby witnesses. I'm not worried and stand by witnesses can be voted in in a snap!
Here are the current witnesses and below it the standby witnesses. I'm not worried and stand by witnesses can be voted in in a snap!
Why will you keep your funds in the bank and not on BitShares Exchange?
I already have bitusd and BTS
Thanks. I need to read into bitshares more but haven’t had the time recently.
What sort of size position do you have on bitshares (% wise). You could do a post on asset allocation which would be useful. It would be good to know that you allocate 50% to btc trading, 20% to bitshares etc. I know it’s not that simplistic but it would be useful nonetheless.
Check this out:
You will be 100% in bitusd and BTS?
Great set of informative videos. Unfortunately the volumes on BTS exchange are so low it is virtually impossible to trade on the exchange.