OPU offer another answers for skincare industry using decentralized blockchain arrangement filled by OPU coins, customers can adjust sound skin data, and besides get refresh data from experienced dermatologists on the biological system stage. Clients on the stage will approach the interface clearly with pictures dynamically to perceive sound skin deficiencies, and furthermore the things and anticipated that item would handle these skin harms. Helpful specialists are asked to make an Opu database through point by point clarifications of facial yields downloaded by stage clients. Furthermore, Opu lab will give strong contribution on various solid skin things, and offer a collection of new arrangements and discounts to help customers through the all around requested sound skin treatment process.
Display Picture
Opu.ai is an Ethereum-based blockchain arrange that is regulated by splendid contracts. The stage supports the skincare organize by passing on advancement courses of action that upgrade the quality, availability and access to fabulous solid skin organizations. Utilizing blockchain advancement, Opu will altogether improve the idea of skincare available to individuals around the globe.
Opu enhances the skincare biological community by effectively using thing and treatment practicality data through an authenticity based persuading power system. The stage joined with advanced cash based driving forces invigorate speculation of therapeutic specialists, singular care specialists, skincare thing providers and individuals. Opu coin is the essential skincare focused cryptographic cash that uses a decentralized review stage to remunerate the gathering whose helps the partner on the system, and to give skincare specialists mechanical organizations that develop their abilities while in the meantime encouraging steady load. This will be engaged through Blockchain, AI, enormous information, seek, picture examination and online business.
The fundamental goal of the biological system is to build up a future skincare environment network where the system deals with exceedingly essential nformation that will achieve upgraded examination and treatment for the clients.
Opu ended up out of the setting up gatherings' total inclusion in the request, flexibility, social protection and online business spaces. Parts of the Opu App are at exhibit in beta release sort out fully expecting the Opu ICO fight dispatch. Both skincare specialists and purchasers will be made up for completing activities that favorable position the system with ERC-223 Opu Coins that will be secured in Opu Wallets and will be tradable on open exchanges. The stage will give a market-based rousing power to individuals to look at skin conditions, set change destinations, screen progress and achieve happens with ace course from specialists, and also from Opu's nearby learning. The Opu assemble assumes that the stage will catalyze the system realizing a material change in skin prosperity at a diminished by and large cost.
Propelling A Multibillion Dollar Industry
The Opu group is work to dispatch a versatile web and compact engaged stage that hopes to unravel and democratize access to capable skincare direction using a blend of blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, picture examination, and online business headways.
It works along these lines: customers take a photo of their face, which is analyzed by Opu's AI structure that is being set up by Opu's gathering of dermatologists. The results are then planned to splendid things and activities which are formed by pros in light of the skincare targets set by each individual. Each customer would then have the capacity to pick either autonomously coordinated ventures or connect online with their own particular dermatologist or conceivably skincare advisor who guides them along their voyage.
Building A Trust-Based, Rewards-Focused Ecosystem
We're using the Ethereum blockchain to develop a trust-based natural network; using its smart contract advancement to ensure that individual data stays secure and to affirm trades. This value empowers us to influence our own particular helpers and prizes to program; and to set up our own extraordinary cryptocoin — Opu Coin — which will be used as the basic portion method in the application. In addition, customers, agents, and skincare specialists can procure Opu Coins when they complete certain endeavors, for instance, completing their profile or characterizing targets.
To empower us to make and flawless these organizations, we'll be running an open Token Sale in June in which qualifying individuals will have the ability to purchase Opu Coins. Only 5.5% of the total 12 billion coins are being offered through the crowdsale and the rest will be streamed all through the Opu natural framework. To redesign gathering of the coin, Opu starting at now has numerous associations in advance with different driving skincare specialists and has made the coin great with Bitcoin and Ether. The present Token Pre-Sale (checking Private Sale) discount is at half and will continue diminishing until the complete of April.
Experienced Leadership and Expert Advisors
To ensure the Token Sale's thriving and to make the Opu a principle name in open skincare benefits, the Opu Labs organization team — led by coordinator and CEO Marc Bookman, and COO Richard Reed — has named a talented gathering of worldwide development bosses and driving skincare specialists.
Our advancement gather is driven by CTO Raj Jhaveri and our VP of Engineering, Lucy Omo — ably maintained by our Chief Architect, James Hodgman and a gathering of tech and blockchain experts.
Our Team is driven by our Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali and Dr. Anna Karp who is tackling Opu's examination and proposition structure. They are reinforced by different other dermatology specialists, including Dr. Lauren Ploch, Dr. Ashvin Garlapati, Dr. Omar Noon, Dr. Jordan Fabrikant, Dr. Matthew J. Elias, Dr. Farhaad Riyaz, and Dr. Pradyumna Vaidya.
As the Token Sale date approaches, the entire Opu Labs gathering will help expose issues of our things, advancement, and condition to ensure that anyone fascinated has most of the information they need to feel beyond any doubt about partaking.
Group behind Opu Labs
Opu Labs is centered around transforming into a principle provider of computerized answer for assessing, regulating and watching solid skin things. To achieve this, we make a moved natural framework that consolidates PC AI, office, market and system. The preface of each one of these limits is blockchain advancement. Its use licenses to decentralize patients' data and wholeheartedly get them on a scale. It furthermore invigorates the general population required to expect a working part in our natural framework: compensating them with our neighborhood ERC-223 markers, OPU coins. Finally, we have to give customers more unmistakable access to solid skin learning, outfit sound skin specialists with the advancement they need to develop their capacities, encourage the heaviness of patients and reward the people who make a beneficial responsibility
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Bitcointalk user: haykayraymon
ETH Address: 0x2400A32c953CB4727867979A5534a553c4EDbc16Web Site https://ico.opu.ai/
BitcoinTalk: https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/index.php?title=Opulabs
Whitepaper https://ico.opu.ai/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 07 / OPU-Whitepaper-v3.0.pdf
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