I am Happy to be on the Side of the Global Marketplace.

in #bitcoin7 years ago


If You Want Government to Save You Then Crypto is Probably Not the Best Option for Your Money.

The amount of people flooding into cryptocurrency over 2017 has been beyond what I ever could imagine. The problem is that the great majority of people who have joined the ranks do not understand the reasons why Crypto was born in the first place.

Bitcoin was brought to us shortly after the 2008 financial crisis. The Libertarian and Crypto Anarchist community felt that a free market currency was needed to deliver us from the clutches of the money masters who have abused us (the people) for centuries with their inflation, war and abuse of the financial system.

What Types of People Should be Involved in Crypto for Their Peace of Mind.

  1. People who view their finances as 100% their responsibility.
  2. People who do not need government to protect them.
  3. People who are tired of their government currencies being used to support war.
  4. People who are tired of their money being used to prop up banks and corporations.
  5. People who are tired of corrupt politics.
  6. People who don't mind large fluctuations in their wealth.
  7. People who love to live on their own terms.
  8. People who love to adopt new technology.
  9. People who don't mind eating Chinese food with a fork and ketchup on their rice.

Did You See My Latest Interview About Bitcoin, Panama and CryptoCurrency?

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What type of people should be involved in Crypto?
Sounds like my kind. LOL

  1. People who like to say they own a coin with a doge on it.

If You Want Government to Save You Then Crypto is Probably Not the Best Option for Your Money. is great topic . interview please is very nice .
Thanks this post

Upvote Resteem

Thanks for the information & the excellent interview!

100% like and resteem

bitcoin is one of the biggest opportunities since the invention of the internet itself.... great times to be around....

nice video

Well said, crypto for all mindsets impossible. So, people who got correct idea what they are doing in this crypto world is the best option to survive.
'What Types of People Should be Involved in Crypto for Their Peace of Mind.' here you figured a collection of excellent points why we should involved with crypto & why we shouldn't too. Very informative article & a good one indeed.

~Followed & Upvoted

That looks like a beautiful place.

Things are gonna get real intense in the crypto space in 2018. There is going to be a lot of heads exploding, a lot of FUD, and drastic movements of value.

It may even become a little dangerous. But when the dust clears, the world will be better off.

That is what I am hoping for!

It's funny to see now these same bankers that had to get bailed out with taxpayer money because of the mess they created yelling about bitcoin being a bubble.

What Types of People Should be Involved in Crypto for Their Peace of Mind.
You are 100% correct! These people needs to involve, but most of people think this is an investment and it pays them huge ROI :/ For me that's a totally nonsense idea!


Thanks for sharing update information mr @hilarski, u good man

I am a newbie when it comes to investing and hope to learn more. Looking forward to your future updates in this space. extraordinary interview. i ma very glad and excited you interview.. best of luck..have a great day.....upvoted and resteem

excellent post & i didn't get this point well.
'People who don't mind eating Chinese food with a fork and ketchup on their rice.' a useful advice for the people who is seeking to be a part of crypto @hilarski

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

i agree with you friend @hilarski ... the global marketplace
really great site and loving to it's. nicely interview in crypto.i love your crypto-currency. excellent talking..upvoited

Yup...You are correct @hilarski. The Global market place awesome. Peoples involve and believe cryptocurrencies currently.

Congratulations @hilarski
Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!!

Exceptional post and a good advice provided. Like a reference to newbies of crypto world...!!!

50% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

@hilarski I knew it was NORMAL to eat Chinese Food with a Fork and put Ketchup on my rice.

Bwahahahaha, someone read it!

People who wish to get freedom from politics, banksters & stupid rules, then you are welcome to cryptoworld. You figured it well~

well i am happy for you that you are getting success her and on the other crypto world as well this is a nice way for you to get more in future great work brother

Cryptos have also surpassed my wildest imagination. Bullet points 4 and 5 are my favorite. I personally believe cryptos and precious metals are a great parring.

An excellent definition, you are right, the crypto-currency market is becoming bigger and more global! Thank you @hilarski for the excellent interview!

Hahaha... I almost choked on No.9... I'm Chinese and I eat chinese food with a fork with ketchup on my rice more often than you can imagine :)

ur always kewl big h

@hilarski - Sir this is a good advice for the people who is willing to participate crypto world & also to the people who already in this crypto world... A very helpful article for all crypto communities Sir...

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I agree with all those points but 3-5 are especially good.

2018 is coming up, with crypto going to be a HUGE part of it! Bitcoin's rising higher than that guy smoking weed. XD and the public is knowing and hearing more and more about it. So I personally think 2018 is going to be a huge year! Let's go!

i agree with your oppinion and people are frustrated with government money to handle out!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, we should think before entering this market.

That is valuable post and great bitcoin experience sir. very good interview!


hahahah i say the type of people involved in crypto is only greedy they dont understsand that how goverment protect us if there is no money or any thing in goverment hands they only think the more more profit only thier pockets and accounts not care of any thing like us that also we dont want to understand the all issues which create from this @hilarski

interessting post...

Yeah you are right cryptocurrency is not everything what we think...

Thanks for sharing this with us

This is great interview . best video.
Thanks @hilarski
Have a nice day.

What did you like best about it?

@hilarski, Excellent points you show to the community what types of people should be involved in Crypto. Great lesson.

If the government regulates Bitcoin but mostly leaves it alone then Bitcoin will thrive. If the government outlaws Bitcoin then it will be much less useful than fiat in day-to-day life.

I take it that is why you're not a fan of Ripple ;-)

Definitely agree that having the option to pay for goods outside of government fiat currency was and is a big driving factor in the community.

bitcoin is a great way.the earliest way to get rich and not just make money with crypto is to buy BTC and hold for year or two.

Being free from tension this is what investment should feel like and crypto is providing the solution for that

Very nice @hilarski. You always have good information that is clearly presented. Nice to see the video and hear about the progress there in Panama!

I would add point number 10..

10 . People who TRUST Crypto.

  • People who believe they should be free to spend their own money how they like if it doesn't harm anybody.

Though I am new to Cyrpto, so far I am enjoying it mainly because of the freedom we have. In my part of the world people have to pay taxes fro everything and dirty politics eating our money. But still there are few difficulties to add/withdraw money more and more people are coming in to cyrpto.

Payment methods using cards needs to be looked into for convenience of use, agree on that.

Privacy especially for children is most important, protect them in whatever way you can, they are not able to make those decisions, and it's not your right to post their little faces online.

The power should wide spread and should not be in a bunch of hands :)

So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime

Crypto and govt. are like enemies to me lol both don't love each other

You are absolutely right. I think the government will not give in easily. I expect a tough war of paper money holders against us.
Good luck to you and good.

Вы абсолютно правы. Я думаю, что правительство так легко не уступит. Я ожидаю жесткой войны держателей бумажных денег против нас.
Удачи Вам и добра.

I guess i do fit in the list in some points ;)

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