Due to My HODL Strategy I am Not Stressed.
Last year I would have been trying to trade the bottom and probably would have been REKT. Thanks to my change of heart I no longer worry. Even though I am down in USD value my HODLings are fine in BTC terms.
Last night we had a Guld meet up and all I could think about was how this technology I am part of is going to change the world.
Here You Can See Ira Miller #BeardofFire Explaining the Guld OS.

The Different Types of People in Crypto.
1. People Who Want to Make the World a Better Place with a New Technology.
2. Those Who Want to Destabilize the Banking Cartels.
3. People HODLing Hoping for a Better Life.
4. Traders
5. People Trying to Get Rich Quick.
What Type Are You?
Personally I am a mix of 1-3. The technology we are involved in is amazing. I really despise the banking cartels and their masters. I would also like to provide a great life for my family for decades to come.
I'm hodler and i'm a buyer on dip :). Regards
@magoo-1 on duty now.
Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.
You can check @magoo-1 report
We need to give that shirt out to those hands that are being weak right now
Why relax for a week when there are fortunes to be made when the blood is running in the streets? LOL
Feel free to trade. That is not my game anymore.
Maybe that was a problem. Perhaps you took the "game" too seriously and became emotionally involved. If you are susceptible to fear and/or greed then I agree, it's best to remove yourself from the arena.
I am not sure if it has anything to do with emotion as much as volatility and instability. Trading has never really been my "game" because things change too fast, and I haven't been particularly emotionally invested.
@onceuponatime That's one of my favourite quotes, and it applies so well to crypto. My only regret is that I took too long to take profits before the dip. Had I acted more quickly, I definitely would have been buying plenty of bargains at this point in time!
My Dear Friend hilarski , Thanks For Share Your Article.
nice post you say good post.
So hard to turn it off, but very wise advice. Im gonna mute the FUD for a week! Lol
yes friend right not to panic n sell we have to hold crypto coin.nice advice bro thanks for share.
Thanks for the advice, I admit that lately I have been stressed by that but now I understand that it is not worth worrying, You have to have good energies!
I am 50% of type 2 and 25-25 of type 1 and type 3 ;)
I am learning and in the months that I have been in steemit and with the altcoins, I feel like I am on a roller coaster, but I am a believer and my personality is 1-3. I believe in doing Holding.
Same here, since I have decided to hold and not bother about the market life has been at peace.
Decentralized fear and HODL COINS

how is the cryptographic market, your advice is very convenient, or just be passive and try to enjoy until the waters calm down and everything starts to flow
I also consider myself a mixture of one and three
I wish you a beautiful weekend dear friend @hilarski
I'm also a hodler @hilarski and proud of it. I sleep like a baby every day with a well diversified crypto portfolio thanks to my app Crypto Millionaire which I created just for that. Back when I tried day trading, I couldn't sleep and felt uneasy all the time, I didn't win or lose much thanks god, was just testing the waters with a little bit of money. It took too much of my family time, money (in the nasty form of taxes and fees), and health so I dropped it very fast. This is a long term investment, 99% of day traders get rekt and the 1% who doesn't is just lucky, until one day their luck runs out and they end up into the no-coiners bitter bunch. regards
I personally choose the first type, because it can share with others in realizing a better life.
The one who is holding. CRYPTO - In my opinion, the best long term strategy in cryptocurrency. Daily, weekly, or monthly fluctuations in the market are not a concern when mining. I also believe that crypto is here to stay, so my investment is based on what I think crypto will be worth 3-6 years from now.
It sure feels good having a long term approach. My mental state is much better off.
@hilarski 1, 2, 3 & 4 :)
Hi My Dear Sir @hilarski Thank You! SO Much For This #Advice. Have a Nice" Day.
I've got to be #5 because making 1000% per year just isn't fast enough!
I mean, if I wanted to go slow, I would just put my money into a CD. right?
So, right now everyone should be selling bitcoin before it goes down even further. And then, when it goes way down, like bitconnect, you buy in, cause you got to buy the dips.
Really, like you, its a combination of 1,2,3.
Trading cryptos has moved into the realm of "you must be a real trader" the big boys are coming from FOREX, the game just got real.
@onceuponatime That's one of my favourite quotes, and it applies subsequently thriving to crypto. My no more than compunction is that I took in addition lengthy to subtract profits before the dip. Had I acted additional quickly, I absolutely would boast been retail plethora of bargains at this item in time!
Good morning hilarski, I am one of the people who want to have a better future and I am sure that the cryptocurrencies will give me this.
Happy day :)
Thanks for the great suggestions,yes we should not loss hope ,because in business it is necessary to take risk for the achiving of sweet fruits of life.Your inspiration is our strength,so thanks for the sweet post friends.
i think i belong to category 3 :)
Bang on the money as always, Randy. Like you, I'm a combination of 1-3. When I entered this space I was definitely looking to improve the life of me and my family, but as I started to learn about the potentially world-changing technology, I definitely wanted to invest in those projects first and foremost.
Like you, I'm not panicking at all. I chose my investments for a reason, and that reason is still there whether the market is bullish or bearish.
really so informative post................you are totally creative man,,,i appreciate your advice.......i hope our cryptocurrency market will be okay,,at the time..........thanks for your great post....
I do believe HODL therapy (Strategy) is one of the most influential and best planning for crypto world specifically for the investors :P :D
Perfect for my next t-shirt:
"If You are Stressed Because of the Markets I Recommend Turning Off the Computer and Relax for a Week"
Like you I fall in 1 ~ 3 categories.
I haven't bothered trading for 6 weeks now and have a few stagnant trades I hope to offload sooner rather than later.
Until it bucks up eh...
Happy Hodl~ing.
I'm in crypto for freedom and control over my own wealth, I'm never worried about market crashes I just take advantage to convert more fiat into crypto, this technology is certainly not going to disappear.
After all, better sink with cryptocurrencies than with the banking system in my opinion.
I like youe moment.and there for you given nice informative post
It's been an interesting past few days, indeed. I'm just now getting to the point where I don't freak out about these kinds of downturns. All it takes is a shift of perception. Life is so much better on the HODLside. Lol.
You are right! some people have asked me what they have to do, what is the signal to sell or buy... and my answer is "I don't know", I'm just holding and working on Steem.
So I'll keep doing the same.
I think if everyone just holds instead of selling it will go back up. don't sell!
relax for a week when there are fortunes to be made when the blood is running
i am stressed about the market downs... 😖 when it will be rise? :(
I’m number 3 😄 hoping it will rise, until then l will keep dreaming and posting on steemit!
I am gonna make myself that t-shirt.. it will keep me strong from the inside and will provide due motivation to fellow crypto investors to keep HODLing.. :p
My HODL strategy ;-)
thank you so much for share with us.....//////........//////////
Thank you for this post. This is the first time I ahve read a post of yours. I appreciate the optimism. There is no doubt that we are onto something here. Although I do worry that so many people are uneducated about their investments. Without the education, a simple Hodl strategy could be the absolute worse move. What we know right now is something I write about and advise people to keep in mind. The US and every other major market has not defined crypto as a currency, but as a investment.
This is significant because ti determines how they can treat it. You saw recently that the SEC in the US has announced they will begin to regulate. You can bet that this will be heavy handed and many cryptos will be in trouble. They will also audit and regulate the exchanges which means that a lot of current ordinary trades will become illegal. The SEC will surely look to slow down crypto trading for safety and in order to see where the money is going.
Most worrying perhaps for the marketplace is that they are announcing that they will review the ways companies have ICO'ed. This is perhaps the biggest issue because nearly all jumped over the legal route to raise money fast and without oversight. There is a chance that they make these companies de-list and then go through a different process of listing.
I have bene advocating for months that the crypto companies get together and police themselves or they invite over regulation. They have to weed out the bad tokens and characters because if not, the governments will do it.
In terms of cryptos being treated as coins, do not look for that to ever happen. The criteria for someone to have a "currency" is astronomical. You have to essentially be considered a country. Thefacts that cryptos are decentralized essentially ends that option. In short there is no one to hold responsible. This does not mean they cannot thrive and people make a lot of money. but you need to understand clearly what you are buying and the conditions that make what you purchased, valuable, have lesser value or become completely useless.
My personal thoughts are that any crypto whose lead and primary benefit is complete anonymity or those using it, is dead. Right behind those are cryptos that raised a lot of money in ICOs and cannot show where that money went. DEAD.
I suggest people do their research and make sure they are invested in the right ones because There Will Be Blood.
By the way I mention the SEC in the US because they set the tone for most of the rest of the world and they will force nearly everyone else to comply. Watch them closely.
Just my current thoughts. Thanks and God bless.
very smart bro!
Thanks for this great tips.............
I recommend turning off the computer and relaxing for a week regardless. It really does some good for your soul, haha.
I think I am a hopeful mix of 1 and 2, though entirely too pessimistic to be a number 3. I'm not sure we will see much change in our lifetimes, but I hope my kids see it in theirs.
I like your smile. It is so cute @hilarski
LOL, I am all 5 of them!
Hodl strategy works always don't panic that's the secret :)
What do you think about putting some of your profits into Cardone Capital? I've got several investors who've sent me some Bitcoin and Litecoin through CoinBase to invest in real estate which will pay them a steady paycheck every month while waiting for the principle to appreciate. If you want to diversify beyond crypto let Captain Ryan know. 100K minimum