Bitcoin is Wonderful, But I Don't Think it is Good Money.
When I first went down the Bitcoin rabbit hole back in 2011 I thought Bitcoin was private. It actually took me until 2017 to realize that with some time and energy certain actors could put the data together and come up with a pretty good map of the Bitcoin owners. We all have heard the stories of people being tracked via their BTC transactions. In my mind, this is very scary. It sounds Orwellian like we are reading a page right out of 1984.
What happened to the idea that we need to keep our money private? I know plenty of people who agree and many of them came up through the Bitcoin forums and social media as I did. I believe it is time that we take back our privacy. Believe me, you don't want to be the one hodling dirty Bitcoin when the wheel stops.
Tainted Coins are Destructive. If You Break Fungibility and Privacy, You Break the Currency.
-Andreas Antonopoulos
I understand that some do not like it, although it is true that BTC has its pros and cons, I consider it to be somewhat less polluted than the government systems of the countries.
Luckily when I started bitcoin I realized that it wasn't private. So I've kept a 1/3 or so of my holdings in Monero, mainly on principle. I don't have lots of crytos, but what I do have is Noneyas business :)
Smart, very Smart!
bitcoin is a wonderful opportunity for the whole world