According to the Binance team, users who hold 500 BNB or more will receive double the commission (40%) from referring new users to the exchange. The token spiked from $12.9 to $16 in about two hours immediately after the announcement was made public. They further state that the commission rate for all other users will be staying at 20% as per usual.
A strict limit of 200MM BNC will be created, never to be increased. You can use BNB to pay for any fees on the platform, including Exchange fees, Withdrawal fees. This is to continue until half of the BNB, representing 50 million of the total 100 million are totally burned. As a result, BNB should have a stable value and continue to appreciate over time.
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HI, hatu. Thanks. I followed you; I'm very interested in investing ICO. DO you have an idea?
Yes, QuarkChain is the best right now.
Try to get whitelisted--2 days left.
Read about QuarkChain
Thanks. I think there is no pre-sale with Quarkchain.
Whitelist opportunities ended yesterday.
But yes, presale was sold out.
거래소 코인 유망한게 또 뭐가 있을까요.. 대세이려나..ㅎㅎ
후오비 코인도 가파르게 상승하더라구요.
방문해주셔서 감사해요. 후오비코인 글도 올렸어요. bnb처럼 앞으로 계속 오를것 같네요. 사고 싶은데 ... 거래소를 오픈해야하나 고민중이예요. ^^