Wondering How Long Until You Can SELL BITCOIN CASH?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

THANKS FOR THE FREE MONEY! If you were like me you held your Bitcoin on an exchange during the fork and were credited with some Bitcoin Cash. The problem is now whether or not to sell or hold? In my particular case I cannot sell my Bitcoin Cash because the exchange I chose to park my Bitcoins at is not actively trading BCH (yet). My immediate thought was to just withdraw my funds to another exchange where I could in fact trade out my BCH, however I couldn't seem to find one that was allowing funding to their BCH wallets!


Then a very friendly guy here linked me to Kraken's Twitter page... It appears they wont be allowing any funding to the BCH wallets "for several days" so sit back and watch the show as BCH settles into the top 10 on coinmarketcap :)

The exchanges are waiting this long to ensure network safety and stability just in case any unexpected bugs pop up. Remember there are no take backs in the Bitcoin world so everything must be done cautiously and meticulously. In the coming days we will see the price fall back to more realistic numbers- I might even have to do a BCH price forecast just for fun :-D

In the meantime I'm sitting here drooling over the BCH prices on some of these exchanges. I just saw the price hit $1400 on Bittrex not too long ago. The arbitrage opportunities alone are making me feel a bit tingly. I can't wait until they open the floodgates between these different exchanges and allow deposits/withdrawals. My only hope is that the price remains high by the time they do!


UPDATE: Bitfinex has just listed BCH tokens for trade and opened up 3 markets for it (USD, BTC, ETH). I want to see what happens as soon as they allow deposits into Bittrex because the price is about $300 higher on their exchange.

Hey there, I'm working with a group to launch a website at the end of the month featuring community-based ICO and cryptocurrency analysis. If you're interested in more exposure for your work please feel free to reach out to me on steemit.chat. Thanks!

Sure man, Ill sign up for that later tonite if I can remember. About to head out for work right now, thank you so much for the offer :) Ill try to talk with you when I can if not today then tomorrow.

@hotsauceislethal it's 3rd on coinmarketcap at the moment.. i dont know what to expect anymore lol

BCH was only at 7-8B MC not too long ago now its over 12.3B and growing- This is insanity!

Completely nuts indeed. BCC seems to explode whereas BTC remains unchanged. Another altcoin taking volume from more promising coins in terms of technology imo