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RE: Here are the Top ICO Scams of All Time

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

i agree to an extent. But i disagree to a to a lot you said there.

The government is not responsible if people all start jumping off a bridge and killing themselves. Thatsts common sense.

Sending your life savings to some random person, who you don't know or will ever meet and that in mass scale is very irrational human behavior. You dont do it, nobody would do it with a normal bank account. People sent mass emails out to people as nigerian prince. Thank god the government did not make emails illigal.

I think its part of common knowledge. The government is not responsible to protect people from things that are common knowledge. People got greedy and irrational and got burned.

There are a handful of good projects which are getting funding. ICOs is a great funding model. It should not be destroyed just because people lose their common sense.


Excellent response. You were able to put everything into perspective. I am now following you. Great work.

Dude, that's "nigerian", come on..

well, i also wrote price instead of prince xD. thanks for pointing that out. But I hope the message still comes across.

I totally agree! Although there have been so bad actors, in a way ICOs are a good way for projects to gather funds and start evolving. Maybe the model has to be tweeked but still a usefull way of fundind. The proble resides on people being financially irresponsible. If the government dosen't interveen when people overspend on clothing, p.e., the government shouldn't come parenting me when I decide to participate on the funding of a project.

Posted using Partiko Android

You cannot compare investing vs buying cloths to wear. In case of ICO people are misled to believe something thats not true. Its cheating and you cannot blame the people for the same. It would be the same argument with stock market. I think some kind of legal framework will happen.

The stock market does not sell magic beans for eth.

ICO: Ok you give me your real currency and Ill give you this fake currency.

I think if anything ICO RATING sites and influencers should be regulated. The amount of scams I can find on Icobench is almost criminal. Also, the shilling industry quickly became a multi-million dollar industry and crippled the growth of the industry.

The biggest scammers in ICOs were the ones that helped them in marketing and shilling.