Summary of Clif High's interview on the Leak Project Channel

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Over the course of the next few years, Clif expects we're going to overturn or break up a lot of people's paradigms. Things that used to be a certain way will no longer be accepted.

He gives the example of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, where sports have not had much change, not political, not social cultural stuff, it was just sports. But even that will be challenged in the coming years.

Politics, law enforcement, corruption, are all going to be busting up this year through the next year and a half. Truths revealed will have us rethinking those paradigms.

He also mentions that transitions take about 15 years to complete. And a generation is about 21 years.

The powers that be have kept us without change for a long time, and now we're going to be playing catch up in 2018 through the middle of 2020. Like two 15 transition periods are going to come together, and we're going to see a lot of changes.

Clif goes into some very interesting information about China -- especially in what regards the "conspiracy" that China is behind cryptos. No government is behind cryptos. They're all playing catch up.

Governments are reactive, not proactive. They are never leaders. They are followers. The media is merely trying to keep up with the population, which is very interested in cryptos, so the media is trying to stay relevant.

Crypto News

Clif addresses the question of conspiracies behind who created cryptos, and he goes on to explain that the concept of digital assets (electronic money) has been around since the 60s, and what Satoshi Nakamoto (who put out the Bitcoin whitepaper) did, was solve the double-spend problem. He didn't invent the blockchain or cryptos. The consensus algorithm (gossip protocol) was Satoshi's creation. That's what made cryptos useable, but the concept of the blockchain has been around since the 70s.

Clif then explains the blockchain - kind of like a spreadsheet, which you give a copy of, to your wife. And there's a piece of software to make sure both copies agree. Like a check book. It all works on atomic time. That's the timestamp for each transaction. Imagine everyone in the world has as copy of that spreadsheet, and when they add a transaction is goes on their spreadsheet, and then propagates to all other spreadsheets.

Whoever sends the transaction first (gets the timestamp from the atomic clock), gets to spend the money first. In the case of husband and wife sharing the same wallet, the first one to spend it, gets the transaction. The blockchain will reject the other spend because the money had already been spent (e.g. the double-spend problem).

Then Clif explains the difference between ERC20 Tokens (EOS, Pillar, etc.) and actual coins like Litecoin, Monero, Bitcoin, etc. They're all digital assets. Some are currencies, and some are tokens, and some are more, like smart contracts and other features.

Socio-economic Forecasts

Moving away from cryptos, Clif addresses socio-economic issues around the world, that appear in his web bot.

Clif is expecting very large scale disease outbreaks over the coming years. Nothing like a Spanish flu. But lots of individuals physically degraded by environmental stresses. He's expecting a lowering of the average age of death, especially for white males (e.g. from 72 to 68). It will be labelled as a health crisis, but government will simply use it as a positive (less social security to pay out).

He also says Opportunistic disease is going to creep up.

From the above website:

Opportunistic diseases are actually an entire group of diseases. By definition, an opportunistic disease is a disease that will most often make you sick given the "opportunity" of a damaged or weakened immune system (weakened because of AIDS, various forms of cancer or other causes). Because these illnesses most often appear when the immune system is damaged, they are NOT usually associated with recent HIV infection but usually occur years after infection. Generally speaking, if you are exposed to an opportunistic disease, and you have a fully-functioning immune system, these illnesses will cause few, if any symptoms. If any symptoms are seen at all, they tend to be mild and of short duration. This is because a healthy immune system is able to successfully fight off the disease, or keep it under control.
In other words, it's time to get healthy. Boost up your immune system with your favorite homeopathic remedies, like Vitamin C and D, colloidal or nano silver, essential oils, etc.

Accelerated Volcanoes and Earthquake Activity

The big outer planets in the solar system are putting a stress on Earth, an effect that happens every 425 years. We are being put into a mini Ice Age. We also get an increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes and other Earth effects, as a result of the relative position of the planets. Clif expects this to ramp up to 2022, fade off, and then ramp up until the 2030s. Tough for anyone in a seismic area, especially in the next 4 years.

If you have any investments in a seismic area, this may be a good time to offload, or get some really good insurance.

Antarctica News

Antarctica may have its own super-volcano explosion. If you take away all the ice, you can see it is actually the remnants of a former super-volcano. Late in 2018 he expects to see really weird weather patterns coming out of Antarctica, coming out of new ocean current flows and perhaps new land rising in the region.

Antarctica will lose ice, but the sea levels aren't going to rise. Sea levels have been falling for the last 4 or 5 years, because of the increase in ultraviolet light and gamma rays, causing more precipitation (lakes in the sky, or rivers in the sky) as part of the mini Ice Age (Sun cools down, more gamma rays come around it and our climate changes). We're seeing more rain being dumped on Antarctica, melting the ice/erode glaciers. But since there's a lot of rain being dumped on other parts of the planet above sea level, and that rain will take a long time to get back to the ocean, and will keep ocean levels low.

Ocean levels may continue falling for the next 100-125 years.

You may have seen some photos or videos on YouTube about beached fishing boats, where the sea level has retreated tremendously -- a mystery the authorities have not explained.

What is There Under Antarctica

Clif believes that is where Atlantis rests. And that we'll be uncovering some of their secrets.

He explains that the Smithsonian Institution is not a museum. It's purpose is to corral and destroy evidence, and obscure human history, and has done so throughout its career.

They have not been able to get their hands on Antarctica because of the all the ice. In 2018, as the ice melts in Antarctica, the Smithsonian will lose power and validity due to the information coming out of there. Looks like this is something they won't be able to hide/obscure.

Space Alien Technology

The datasets are full of disclosure in terms of lots of technology being released (from alien technology).

People's interest in aliens will become commonplace (of course there are aliens). Governments will be asked to get out of the way, and let private enterprise deal with what's there for the good of all.

Trump may come out and talk about release of technologies, without saying where the technology came from (e.g. from crashed space ships).

Korean Conflict

Clif expects this to be resolved by the Chinese. China doesn't want to deal with millions of fleeing refugees in case of war. China already has problems with their resources. China does have a commercial tie with North Korea.

He expects China to get involved at the last minute. No point getting involved ahead of time. Don't expend your resources until you have to (Sun Tzu in The Art of War). The Chinese are now moving to the North Korean area to prevent refugees from climbing across the border.

The data doesn't show nuclear annihilation, nor any major US involvement. The data isn't completely clear on US involvement, but the data does show China going to do a regime change by force in North Korea over the course of 20 years.

Clif expects an event eruption by April 15th, in regard to China and North Korea.

Death of the Petrodollar and Hyperinflation

The death of the petrodollar will cause hyperinflation. We'll start by seeing problems in the Bond Market. Cryptos will benefit from this -- by Tax Day 2018. The hyperinflation will start hitting the dollar, which will put pressure on the social order, including every day prices. This means your every day expenses are going to go higher.

Due to this, and his data, Clif forecasts Bitcoin in 2018 to hit $100K. In 2019, $350K. And continuing. He still expects Bitcoin to hit $13,888 by February 2018, so don't expect a rise right away, and look for that fall.

Pedophile Ring

It'll continue being exposed in 2018, but it may take 10 or 15 years to get everybody through their trials. 2018 is the year we get real, and they will no longer be able to hide. This is the year of consequences.

We may see trials starting this year. And we'll definitely see death patters, especially within the elite, who will commit suicide, or start murdering "witnesses".

Final Notes

As we're in the Age of Aquarius, Clif points out that Aquarius is a male knowledge bringer. Not a female carrying water. Feminism is dying and is going to change. We need Alpha males to resurge. If you start paying attention, you will see men reasserting themselves into the society.

Our social order has been taken away from us, and we'll see a huge resurgence in all male things (hunting, fishing, etc.) especially in the new technological social orders. The majority of industrial deaths are white males. And 2018 a new kind of humanity is rising. More middle of the ground humanism.

Good fortune to you, and as always, thank you for sharing your Light with me.

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