What do we say to crypto muggles asking about Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Photo by Dmitriy Ilkevich on Unsplash

What I would say now to anyone considering getting into cryptocurrencies:

  1. Study the whitepapers. Starting with Bitcoin (https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf) and Ethereum (https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/White-Paper).

  2. Institutional investors have been sitting on the sidelines until now. That's changing fast. Expect hundreds of billions of dollars to flood into the market over the next year.

  3. Follow & read the people who have been most active in building the infrastructure for this new market. People like Vitalik Buterin (the creator of Ethereum – http://vitalik.ca/2017-09-15-prehistory.html) & Fred Ehrsam (a cofounder of Coinbase – https://medium.com/@FEhrsam/blockchain-governance-programming-our-future-c3bfe30f2d74).

  4. There has never been a better time to learn to code than many, many years ago. Second best time is today, when the present-future of money is code.


crypto muggles

This is my new favourite term thanks