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RE: US Marshals Auction Bitcoin Stolen By Rogue DEA Agents...Previously Stolen Separately By The US Government

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Yeah, that would've been a smooth move if they had gotten away it. Not so smooth now lol. Yikes! Getting caught stealing from the American government...

Wouldn't want to be in those guys' shoes

Appreciated the anti-market interventionism rhetoric you layered in the post!

I'll take it a step further and say Maaaaayyynnneee, FUQ DA GOVAMENT


I'll become more pro-regulation if I ever see a regulator with both power and ethics.

True that.

I think the very notion of wanting to regulate is based on good intentions, or sound principles... The only problem is that the only form of regulation that has ever really been effective is self-regulation...

The idea that we can regulate others' is... a pipe dream fantasy...

We think we control others, and their lives, and how they will cook the fish, sell the bitcoin, pay the taxes... It'll never work that way...

I'll become more anti-voluntarism when somebody actually succeeds in making my life better for me against my will...

Remembers teenage years and father trying to prevent young teen mind from smoking pot or seeing friends - Yeah paternalistic figure knowing what is best for others always works out