  1. By definition, a cryptocurrency is based on DECENTRALIZATION
  2. All existing cryptocurrencies developers will propose a wallet you can easily install and use on your computer
  3. A cryptocurrency, by definition, is linked to a blockchain, which, by definition, is DECENTRALIZED
  4. All transaction inside a blockchain are public and can we viewed with a blockchain explorer by anyone
  5. A cryptocurrency, by definition can be sended, received, traded and converted into your local currency with ease
  6. Onecoin-Onelife is a criminal organization ripping off the money of millions of naives people around the world. The bulgarian mafia is behind the project
  7. Onecoin is under law investigation in a lot of countries
  8. Onecoin main office in Sofia was raided a few days ago in a special operation coordinate by Germany and Bulgaria and some units specialized in fighting organized crime

All your money is GONE ! It was used for orgies, yachting, real estate acquisition, champagne and cocaine.